We may be in the midst of a paradigm shift in regard to the role that animal-origin products play in human health. Despite the fact that animal products are amongst the most nutrient-dense foods available to humans, perceptions regarding their effects on health (e.g., increased risks for cardiovascular disease and cancer for dairy and meat, respectively) have become progressively negative. This shift has resulted in important changes in policy and dietary guidelines in several countries, leading to altered patterns of consumption of animal products, and has manifested in trends toward reduced intake of full-fat dairy and beef. Importantly, a substantial body of literature has emerged in recent years that challenges the negative perception linking saturated fats and cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, several recent studies suggest that full-fat dairy consumption may actually reduce the risk of obesity and associated chronic diseases. Similarly, the presumed association between some types of cancer and the consumption of processed or un-processed meat has also been recently put into question. As new studies and more rigorous methods are being used to analyze epidemiological data, we find that strongly held paradigms become weak, as does the degree of confidence on the dietary recommendations to limit these animal products. Further, the constant change in messages received by consumers has led to confusion as to what constitutes healthy dietary habits and may have eroded the confidence in dietary advise arising from nutrition science. Considering the impossibility of using epidemiological research to establish causation, it seems critical to emphasize the importance of randomized control research in order to separate associations from real causal factors. This review has two main objectives: first, to present the historical milestones that have led to the negative shift in consumer’s perceptions towards animal products; second, to summarize current dietary recommendations in light of the best scientific evidence available.
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