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Three Alternative Ingredients of Economic Importance for Dominican Livestock

Published: October 29, 2024
By: Eng. Joaquin A. Paulino / Consulting Animal Nutritionist


1. The Economy of the Dominican Republic is the 7th economy in Latin America, being also the largest and most important in all of Central America and the Caribbean, occupying first place and obtaining regional leadership.
2. The annual production of balanced feed is approximately 2.4 million tons3.
 Current monthly production:
3. -22.5 million chicken.
4. -330 million consumer eggs.
5. -62,500 pigs finished.
6. -772,000 Tilapia
7. -67 million liters of milk.


Sorghum has a reputation for containing high tannin values. This penalizes their image, since the presence of tannins in animal feed constitutes an important anti-nutritive factor in monogastric animals. In fact, it has been shown that the presence of 1% tannins reduces the energy value of sorghum by 7% in pigs and by 11% in poultry.
According to the USDA, the United States is the largest producer of Bicolor Sorghum, 8071 million tons, followed by Nigeria and Sudan.
Nutritional qualities of grains.
Nutritional qualities of grains
Nutritional qualities of grains
Nutritional qualities of grains

What are tannins?

Tannins (condensed) are polyphenols of plant origin. They have the ability to precipitate proteins, forming complexes resistant to enzymes that plants use as a means of chemical defense against pathogenic microbes and herbivores.
For 30 years, American and European sorghum has been devoid of tannins, Tannin content < 0.3»
Sorghum protein Kafirina, zeina is that of corn.
Modern sorghum varieties are safe for poultry and pig nutrition.
Modern sorghum varieties are safe for poultry and pig nutrition.

What are dried distillers grains with solubles? DDGS.

Dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) is the dry residue left after the starch fraction of corn (corn DDGS) is fermented with yeast to produce ethanol. After fermentation, the ethanol is removed by distillation and the remaining fermentation residues are dried.

What is the best DDGs?

Dakota Gold DDGS is a cold-processed distillers grain food additive that provides digestible fiber, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. It is commonly used in feed for pigs, poultry and dairy products.
What is the best DDGs?
Three Alternative Ingredients of Economic Importance for Dominican Livestock - Image 1

Distillers  Corn Oil (DCO):

Distillers corn oil is derived from the production of corn-based ethanol. It is a high-quality fat that is used as an ingredient in animal feed. This product is intended for animal consumption only (Dr William Dozier, Auburn University).
Distillers Corn Oil (DCO):
Three Alternative Ingredients of Economic Importance for Dominican Livestock - Image 2
Three Alternative Ingredients of Economic Importance for Dominican Livestock - Image 3
Distillers Corn Oil (DCO):
Three Alternative Ingredients of Economic Importance for Dominican Livestock - Image 4
Three Alternative Ingredients of Economic Importance for Dominican Livestock - Image 5
Three Alternative Ingredients of Economic Importance for Dominican Livestock - Image 6
Three Alternative Ingredients of Economic Importance for Dominican Livestock - Image 7
Three Alternative Ingredients of Economic Importance for Dominican Livestock - Image 8
The differences between DDG oil and soybean oil are insignificant, the market price is what determines its inclusion in poultry and pig diets.


1-Dominican livestock producers should explore other ingredients different from traditional diets: Corn-Soybeam meal-Soybean oil.
2- It is important to take advantage of the low seasonal prices of: Sorghum, DDGs and DDGs oil.
3- When we lower costs we improve the company's profitability and offer cheaper animal products to consumers.
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Sorghum has a reputation for containing high tannin values. This penalizes their image, since the presence of tannins in animal feed constitutes an important anti-nutritive factor in monogastric animals. In fact, it has been shown that the presence of 1% tannins reduces the energy value of sorghum by 7% in pigs and by 11% in poultry.

Dakota Gold DDGS is a cold-processed distillers grain food additive that provides digestible fiber, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. It is commonly used in feed for pigs, poultry and dairy products.
Joaquin Armando Paulino Paniagua
Universidad ISA (Instituto Superior de Agricultura)
Universidad ISA (Instituto Superior de Agricultura)
Joaquin Armando Paulino Paniagua
Universidad ISA (Instituto Superior de Agricultura)
Universidad ISA (Instituto Superior de Agricultura)
3 de noviembre de 2024
In case of corn and sorghum shortage, wheat grain can also be used, as long as a cocktail of carbohydrase enzymes (cellulases, hemisellulase, pectinases, xylanases, etc.) is applied to reduce the viscosity of the digesta.
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