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Expanders in feed meal

Published: December 21, 2014
By: Ing. Dragan Ionut
What is your opinion about using expander and pelletization for processing poultry feed? Do you know some data about improving FRC , DWG , mortality? How you administrate enzymes in feed if you have an expander? Thank you
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Ing. Dragan Ionut
Dr. Rakesh  Nimbalkar
23 de diciembre de 2014
Dear Ing .Dragan lonut , Degree of starch gelatinization is higher with expander than conventional pelleting ( 3 times of conventional pelleting ) owing to more amylose leaching acessing more action of enzyme on glucosidic linkages scaling up digestibility .Decreases level of antinutritional factors like Trypsin inhibitors and gossypol in soymeal and cotton seed cake respectively . Also decreases bacterial load and fungi rendering feed more hygienic .It enhances the metabolic energy value and bypass value of mixed feed paving the way for higher yield and better production .It increases shelf life of feed preserving ideal moisture .Expander causes losses of nutrients which needs to be compensated by overages . Post expander application of feed enzyme is recommended to avoid denaturation of enzyme as they are proteins . Thanks With Regards Dr Rakesh Nimbalkar Consultant - Poultry Nutritionist Polchem Hygiene Laboratories Private Limited Pine - India
Ing. Dragan Ionut
23 de diciembre de 2014

Thank you very much Dr. Rakesh.
Do you know if there is a formula for this energy improving? Can you recommens any books about expanders and extruders?
On the other hand, I see in India some product -methionine from plants, which can replace dl methionine 1:1.
Do you know anything about that?
All the best
Ionut Dragan

Dr. Rakesh  Nimbalkar
23 de diciembre de 2014
Recommended books for expander and extrusion Feed Manufacturing Technology Volume -4 by Watt Publication having immense coverage on referred topic . In context usage of herbal methionine you have ensure free methionine and bound methionine to dipeptide and oligopeptides , its ability to get converted into SAM ( Actual methionine ) , matrix values to be considered during feed formulation .(energy and protein ) . Pelleting stability has to be ascertained before usage . In my opinion for synergistic effect partial replacement of conventional methionine is better than complete replacement of conventional methionine Thanks With Regards Dr Rakesh Nimbalkar Consultant - Poultry Nutritionist Polchem Hygiene Laboratories Private Limited Pune - India
Ing. Dragan Ionut
23 de diciembre de 2014
Thank you for yours answers Dr,Rakesh This product -herbal methionine- is interested in this international context .And I see ,is everywhere in India
Robert Huggins
29 de diciembre de 2014
If you are going to use enzymes in feed that you are pelleting make sure that the enzyme(s) are able to withstand pelleting temperatures. If the enzymes cannot withstand pelleting temperatures then you will either have to spray them onto the feed after pelleting, or add through clean non-chlorinated water.
Adam Sackett
Insta-Pro International
5 de enero de 2015
Converting mash feeds into pellets typically improves FCR through reduced feed intake, while maintaining growth. Keep in mind pellet mills, expanders, and extruders all have different effects on ingredients and complete feeds. Also, different types of each exist, so know the impact of your specific type of processing on the end results by conducting feeding trials.
Dr. Rakesh  Nimbalkar
5 de enero de 2015

Dear Ing Dragan lonut, 

The most important aspect of pelleting is conditioning time of the mash co factored with moisture, temperature, mechanical shear, pressure of the steam at the conditioners opening . Lower pressure reduces the heat carrying capacity of steam which leads to condensation thereby affecting gelatinazation of starches and pellet durability. Therefore coating of conditioner with hot seal is must to overcome this problem.


Walter Montes Hoyos
Energreen SAS
5 de enero de 2015

Does anybody have experience with near infrared systems, this lab devices or processes allows to determine key parameters on the quality of pelleting, or expansion systems since it measures the degree of gelatinization, moisture, proteins, etc… From my point of view, when using pellet or expansion systems, parameters must be verified beyond the conventional to ensure the best quality of the product. 

Cedrick Maxwell Guerrero
6 de enero de 2015

Dear Dr Rakesh,

We are experiencing durability and rough texture of our pellet product. How can we overcome this problem? We try to increase the temp. at 80-85 deg. 500 feed RPM and steam press of 2.2 bar. Please advice us.

Thank you!

Ing. Dragan Ionut
6 de enero de 2015
Hello Mr. Cedrick You have also expander and pelletizer or you have only pelettizer ? In the second case , is very important to have a good composition of materials or a lignosulfonat for binding
Dr. Rakesh  Nimbalkar
6 de enero de 2015

Dear Cedric Maxwell,
When pellet durability is concerned maintain steam pressure at 3.5 bar . We need to check feed formulation (recipe ) to assess pellet ability of the feed and pellet durability .

Giuseppe Bigliani
Feed Technology Solutions
Feed Technology Solutions
7 de enero de 2015
Dear Mr. Guerrero, In order to provide you an answer, I would like to know the at least the following: Type of feed (poultry, hogs, dairy, etc.) Pellet size (mm) Die L/d ratio Average particle size (microns) of the mash feed Moisture content before the conditioner and after the conditioner (%) Temperature of the feed before entering the pellet chamber (degrees C) Steam pressure (bar) Conditioner RPM Have you changed the recipe or some ingredients lately? This is very important so all of us can give you straight answers and direct recommendations. Thanks and regards, Giuseppe Bigliani FEED TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS feedtecsol@gmail.com
Dr. Rakesh  Nimbalkar
8 de enero de 2015
Dear Mr Guererro, We need to assess the quantity of recycling of already processed material from vibro sieve to the pellet hopper after pelleting .gelatinization is irreversible process .(Recycled material does absorb steam efficiently ) . Higher the recycled fines lesser the absorption of steam which leads to lower pellet durability and higher fines in finished goods . You need to check fibre content and pellet factor of the recipe / formulation to overcome pellet durability and fines Thanks Dr Rakesh Nimbalkar Consultant - Poultry Nutritionist Polchem Hygiene Laboratories Private Limited Pune - India
Cedrick Maxwell Guerrero
20 de enero de 2015

Dear Mr. Biggliani 

Here are the specs.
Feed Type: Lactation and Gestation 
Pellet Size: 4 mm 
Die L/d ratio: 2.5 mm
Moisture before the conditioner: 14.9 
Moister after the conditioner: 23.2
Temp. of feed before pellet chamber: 83
Steam press.:2.2 BAR
Conditioner RPM: 3262
Ave. Particle Size: 700 microns
Screen Size: 3.0 mm

Thank you and we appreciate for helping us and giving us new ideas.

Dr.v.rajendra Prasada
20 de enero de 2015
Enzymes should be used carefully while pelleting. We should test the recovery of enzyme after pelleting at 80 to 85 centrigrade temperature.
Cedrick Maxwell Guerrero
17 de febrero de 2015

Dear Mr. Ing. Dragan Lonut

Regarding your question we don´t have expander, only conditioning and pellet. What would be the contribution of that binder?

Ing. Dragan Ionut
4 de marzo de 2015
Hello mr. Cedrick. If you use the binder , the quality of the pellets will be better . If you want , I can reccomand a product that I use.
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