Dear Mr. Gil Berholz dan Mr. Asuquo Asanga
yes, this is the feed for the black soldier fly larvae. This cloth is expeller oil palm (palm kernel meal, PKM) or can also be used palm oil sludge.
Warm Regards
I want to feed my broiler chicks some black soldier fly larwe and green barley that I grow in aquaponics , they do get the normal starter and grower feed but with this method I hope to save on food prices, in South Africa everything is abnormal expensive due to money exghance olmost 11 times less than us Dollar.
Your comment please
Getting energy sources on the farm is easier than protein and a protein concentrate and soy is difficult, the larva of housefly and fly larvae soldier for its high protein content are a viable alternative for small producers, we are to evaluate a diet soldier fly larvae and sugar cane juice.