Feather Meal: Its Nutritional Value And Use In Dairy And Beef Rations
Published:January 1, 2002
The following article is a special collaboration from AFMA (Animal Feed Manufacturers Association) www.afma.co.za We thank their kind support. Feathers – The Raw Material The American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) defines Hydrolysed Poultry Feathers as the product resulting from the treatment under pressure of clean, undecomposed feathers from slaughtered poultry, free of addit...
We are not the regular user of feather meal in ruminants feed specifically in beaf but few days before may be due to mixing of feather meal it is incorporated in regular feed and there is mortality of two calves happen and after postmartum there is a feather meal in rumen and farm manager supposed it had happened due to F.M inclusion. plz suggest me wheather it is possible?
I have a question in relation to determination of feather meal protein digestibility. For me to express protein digestibility on dry matter basis, I'm looking at using the dry sample that I dried for moisture determination of the feather meal for the pepsin digestibility. My question is this, will drying at 50 degree celcius for 24 hr have any negative effect on the digestibility of the feather meal protein or not? Thank you.
I think you need to give a full picture of your digestibility trial. Is this an in vivo or in vitro study? Are you handling the feather alone or with other ingredient? Whatever the situation I am of the opinion that the sample used for dry matter basis may be your sure bet. Although it is true that pepsin is a protein and could be denatured at 50 degree Celsius.