Dear All Hi Kindly share your suggestion that suggested FMD vaccination schedule for dairy animals is two times in a year.but many time observed that animal get clinically affected even after FMD vaccination although after taking all care regarding dosing and cold chain as the question arises that can we suggest to apply vaccine thrise a year or required booster vaccination for the same, where as FMD vaccine provides immunity upto 6 month.
As we ll know that FMD virus has many types and subtypes and there is no cross immunity between these types. and vaccines are produced for certain types. First you shoul know that which types common in your region and use monovalent or polivalent vaccines in accordance.
FMD vaccines can be used from one month old calves but you should administer rapel dose after four weeks and as a routine every six months is ok. but after one month of every vaccination it is advisable to take blood samples and to be measured immunity level of every animal to every virus type in vaccine. If the immunity level low for a certain type vaccinate again for that type.
You also shouldnt forget other tight control, dysinfection and sanitation precautions.
My Regards