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Reproductive biotechnologies

Reproductive biotechnologies in dairy industry in Pakistan

Published: June 4, 2012
By: Muhammad Azam Kakar, E. Kakar, M. N. Shahwani, M. Jan, A. M. Raza, J. Hassan, M. Saeed, S. Babar and M. K. Baloch


Biotechnology is founded upon an ever-increasing understanding of the mechanisms that maintains living organisms and allows them to reproduce from generation to generation. We are living in an age of biotechnology, which is developing rapidly to expand further in the next few decades. It is a modern science that deals with the biological process through which technological innovation can be achieved and subjected to deliver goods and services for the benefit of human being. This "august" journey, which started with the production of insulin by the bacteria E. Coli, experienced a phenomenal growth since than. Reproductive biotechnologies include, semen processing, cryo-preservation, vitrification, sexing of sperm and embryos, artificial insemination, embryo transfer, in vitro fertilization, cloning, transgensis, juvenile in vitro embryo transfer, chimera production, multiple ovulation and embryo transfer, aspiration of oocytes from the live animals and zygote intra-fallopian tube transfer. In Pakistan these modern technologies have yet to play their due role in different areas especially in the fields of agriculture, medicine, dairy industry and environment. In the present post-flood scenario, the dairy supply chain recognized the need to work together in order to address this significant challenge. Especially in Pakistan, this future intra-disciplinary cooperation will also be needed among the industries, consumers and research institutes. Failure to achieve a high level of cooperation can potentially lead to a delay in reproductive biotechnologies application in development and will result in serious long lasting economic losses. This review is an attempt to analyze the current situation of the reproductive biotechnologies in dairy industry in the country and propose means for research and development interventions in the dairy sector through coordinated efforts of academia, government departments, development agencies and private sector organizations to achieve the highest possible benefits.

Key words: Milk, cow, buffalo, dairy production, artificial insemination, biotechnology.

Biotechnology has the potential to enhance quality of life in many ways, while helping the environment by reducing our dependence on nonrenewable resources. But that´s just the beginning. We have to understand the importance of biotechnology and its role and influence on our future growth, health and environment. Reproductive biotechnologies are a combination of assisted reproduction, cellular and molecular biology and genomic techniques. Their classical use in animal breeding has been to increase the number of superior genotypes but with advancement in biotechnology and genomics they have become a tool for transgenesis and genotyping (Lopez et al., 2004). Multiple ovulation and embryo transfer has been well established for many years and still accounts for the majority of the embryos produced worldwide (Dargatz et al., 2004). Somatic cell cloning is a rapidly developing area and a very valuable technique to copy superior genotypes and to produce or copy transgenic animals. More knowledge in oocyte and embryo biology is expected to shed new light on the early developmental events, including epigenetic changes and their long lasting effect on the newborn (Van Winkle, 2001). Embryo technologies are here to stay and their use will increase as advances in the understanding of the mechanisms governing basic biological processes are made (Li et al., 2004).
Artificial Insemination (AI): A.I. is the means whereby elite genes can be more efficiently distributed compared with natural mating (Cavalieri et al., 2004). Pivotal to this means is the ability to handle semen, freeze it and to transport it both nationally and internationally. Generally, semen compared with other cells of most of the body is challenge to handle – it is very prone to temperature shock, its pH (acidity) can change quickly and it is susceptible to the presence of contaminants e.g. dust (Van Soom et al., 1997). The use of frozen semen presents its own set of challenges (Verberckmoes et al., 2004). Despite advances in the freezing technology, frozenthawed semen is compromised in terms of viability and motility compared with fresh semen.
Multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET): MOET is a well-established technology and is used to obtain over 80% of the embryos produced for commercial purposes (Neglia et al., 2003). Most of the pituitary extracts available on the market have varying ratios of FSH and LH. They are administered in the mid-luteal phase of the estrus cycle of the donor over 4 – 5 days period and are combined with induced luteolysis. At the estrus donor is inseminated, usually with at least two straws of semen 12h apart, and 7 days later the uterus is flushed to recover the embryos (Sinclair et al., 2000). On average four to six transferable quality embryos are recovered (Dawuda et al., 2004). This is the main drawback of MOET because breeding companies usually require a few particular sire – dam combinations (Silva et al., 2004).
Ovum pick up (OPU): The most flexible and repeatable technique to produce embryos from any given live donor is offered by the technique of ovum pick up (OPU) or ultrasound guided follicular aspiration (Techakumphu et al., 2004). A scanner with an adequate endovaginal (or adapted for vaginal use) sector probe with a guided needle is required to perform this procedure. The needle is connected to a test tube and to a vacuum pump to aspirate the follicular fluid and the oocyte contained in it. Virtually any female starting from 6 months of age up to third month of pregnancy and also soon after calving (2 – 3 weeks) is a suitable donor.
Sexing sperm and embryos: For millennia, mankind has sought to control the sex of offspring of domestic animals (Smeaton et al., 2003). The desire is deeply ingrained in those who work directly with breeding animals of monotocous species, especially cattle (Vishwanath, 2003). As a potential reproductive technology, sexed sperm is an attractive option for many farm producers, due to the following reasons:
  • The use of AI is a readily understood technology
  • Farmers can have their desired sex of calf
  • There are few ethical problems or animal welfare issues with the use of AI
  • There is no new reproductive management requirement with AI such as the need for synchronization.
In some report the success of sexed semen, whether the separation of X and Y spermatozoa passing through x-rays ionization may lead to genetic damage. Sexing embryos can be a useful tool; sexing fetuses via transvaginal ultrasound is used very widely in several species including cattle; and cloning, which results in automatic sex selection, may have an important role in the future (Tominaga and Hamada, 2004).
Sexing embryos is usage an antibody to H-Y antigen, a protein found on the cell membrane of male, but not on female, mammalian cells. For sexing, the antibodies to H-Y antigens are usually made in rodents, although monoclonal antibodies are also used.
Cryopreservation of ova and embryos: The reliable cryopreservation of mammalian sperm was first demonstrated by Polge et al. in 1947. The use of frozen/thawed bovine semen successfully achieved for the first time in allowed progeny testing and subsequent intensive use of valuable sires and has significantly improved productive traits (Gali et al., 2003). Significant progress has been made in freezing of livestock embryos with main emphasis on the bovine. This has led to practical application of freezing and thawing procedures for bovine/ovine morulae and blastocysts that are nonsurgically collected and transferred.
Chimera formation: Chimeras are composite animals in which the different cell populations are derived from more than one zygote. Chimera can be produced experimentally by mixing two or more cell populations at a very early stage of development or by combining tissues from two or more individuals after the period of organogenesis (Boediono and Suzuki, 1994). Chimera can be produced by two ways i.e., Morula aggregation and Blastocyst injection.
Juvenile in vitro embryo transfer (JIVET): JIVET is an emerging tool or technique that is appealing because (a) it generates a reduction in the generation interval and (b) it has the potential to be more successful than convention ET. The technology is based on an ability to harvest large numbers of eggs from 6-8 week old lamb or calf and to mature and fertilize those eggs in the laboratory. Embryos that are produced are transferred to recipients. Current expected success rates are between 10-20 offspring per donor although, as with adult ET, responses can be variable (Presicce et al., 2002).
Mature in vitro embryo transfer (MIVET): As one can harvest immature eggs from juveniles, so it is possible to harvest immature eggs from adults and to have them matured and fertilized in the laboratory. MIVET is being proposed an alternative to ET i.e., it has the potential to generate more offspring per animal per year than conventional ET. This technology remains to be fully evaluated but it does offer considerable potential as a means of increasing the production of offspring from elite animals.
Cloning: Cloning is a potentially useful breeding tool because it is a means of producing "carbon copies" of elite animals that would not otherwise be available to commercial farmers (Da Silva et al., 2002). This direct availability of elite bulls/rams provides an immediate but "one off" jump in the rate of genetic progress equivalent to about 10-12 years of conventional genetic selection (Dean et al., 1998).
Scope of biotechnological applications in Pakistan: Biotechnology is making it possible for researchers and developers to deliver products that help farmers protect their crops and livestock; and improve the economy and environment while grow grains, develop dairy products that improve the quality of the food we eat. Biotechnology will enhance quality of life in many ways, while helping the environment by reducing our dependence on non-renewable resources. But that´s just the beginning. We have to understand the importance and its proper role and influence on our future growth, health and environment. Embryo biotechnologies applied to animal breeding have the important role of increasing the impact of superior genotypes in the population. However, a more widespread and competent use of the available techniques is required in order to gain benefit from their applications.
Future developments, linked to the newest area of research such as somatic cloning and embryo genotyping, are expected to find a role in advanced animal breeding. Together with the requirement for continuous scientific progress there is also a need to address public concern over the new biotechnologies. In this respect, more knowledge is needed to demonstrate the safety of embryo biotechnologies and the suitability of the derived products to enter the food chain.
It is clear that the next 10 years will see many exciting developments in domestic animal reproductive biotechnologies. Of the techniques described in this paper, just how many will become commercially available in Pakistan are not yet clear. Nevertheless, it is instructive to remember that fewer than 15 percent of cows in Pakistan conceive by artificial insemination, and this is a proven technology that is inexpensive and easy to apply compared with most genetic engineering techniques. Thus, because a technology is available does not necessarily mean that it will widely be applied. Previous experience suggests that few will have widespread impact on Pakistan´s domestic animal production. Nevertheless, the challenge has been, and will continue to be, for researchers to find ways of manipulating reproduction and genetic change. Similarly industry has to consider and evaluate each new development for its application.
Boediono, A. and T. Suzuki, (1994). Pregnancies after transfer of aggregated parthenogenetic bovine activated oocytes. Theriogenology, 41: 166
Cavalieri, J., G. Hepworth, and K. L. Macmillan, (2004). Ovarian follicular development in Holstein cows following synchronisation of oestrus with oestradiol benzoate and an intravaginal progesterone releasing insert for 5–9 days and duration of the oestrous cycle and concentrations of progesterone following ovulation. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 81: 177-193
Dargatz, D. A., G. A. Dewell, and R. G. Mortimer, (2004). Calving and calving management of beef cows and heifers on cow–calf operations in the United States. Theriogenology, 61: 997-1007
Da Silva, P., R. P. Aitken, S. M. Rhind, P. A. Racey, and J. M. Wallace, (2002). Impact of maternal nutrition
during pregnancy on pituitary gonadotrophin gene expression and ovarian development in growthrestricted and normally grown late gestation sheep fetuses. Reproduction, 123: 769-777
Dawuda, P. M., R. J. Scaramuzzi, S. B. Drew, H. J. Biggadike, R. A. Laven, R. Allison, C. F. Collins, and D. C. Wathes, (2004). The effect of a diet containing excess quickly degradable nitrogen (QDN) on reproductive and metabolic hormonal profiles of lactating dairy cows. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 81: 195-208
Dean, W., L. Bowden, A. Aitchison, J. Klose, T. Moore, J. J. Meneses, W. Reik, and R. Feil, (1998). Altered imprinted gene methylation and expression in completely ES cell-derived mouse fetuses: association with aberrant phenotypes. Development, 125: 2273- 2282
Gali, C., R. Duchi, G. Crotti, P. Turini, N. Ponderato, S. Colleoni, I. Lagutina, and G. Lazzari, (2003). Bovine embryo technologies. Theriogenology, 59: 599-616
Lopez, H., L. D. Satter, and M. C. Wiltbank, (2004). Relationship between level of milk production and estrous behavior of lactating dairy cows. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 81: 209-223
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Verberckmoes, S., A. Van Soom, I. De Pauw, J. Dewulf, T. Rijsselaere, and A. de Kruif, (2004). Effect of whole blood and serum on bovine sperm quality and in vitro fertilization capacity. Theriogenology, 61: 25-33
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Muhammad Azam Kakar
Subodh Kumar
4 de junio de 2012
Breeding to improve INDIAN COWS 1. Improving milk productivity of Indian cow has been pursued for many a decade in India. It is conceded that average yield of an Indian cow is very low at about 1000 liters/lactation, when compared to the better Indian cows giving 3000 to 4000 liters per day. Cross breeding by exotic European breeds is the best alternative to improve the genotype milk producing capability of the low yielding Indian cows. But it has to be well appreciated that best Dairy cows expected to provide better than 9000 liters /lactation have an average Dairy life in USA of 3.4 lactations. This strategy is not expected to work in Indian cultural traditions. We would much rather be happy with our cows giving around 2000 liters/lactation and with an average of ten lactations. This should give a bench mark for improving milk yield of Indian cows, with an upper limit of about 3000 liters. 2. Second consideration is about choice of exotic breeds to be considered for upgrading. It is now established that Indian breeds of cows belong to the ‘ancient’ breeds of cows that are known to produce A2 type milk in which BCM7 is not present in any significant proportions. It thus becomes important that by cross breeding no change is to other type of milk and A1 type is not introduced in Indian breeds of cows. HF breed has been the logical choice for cross breeding of Indian cows. Now that scientific evidence has emerged that HF cows are genetically producers of known to give A1 type of milk. Thus it is of utmost significance that HF should be excluded from choice of exotic breeding options for Indian cows. The next alternative is Jersey cows. It is known that Jersey cows produce A2 type of milk. Average Jersey milk production is about 5000 liters/lactation. This milk productivity also matches the best potentials of Indian cows’ milk production. Thus Jersey should be considered to the exclusion of HF for exotic blood for cross breeding of Indian cows. 1. AI as Breeding Practices:- AI (Artificial Insemination) is indeed a marvel of modern veterinary science. In US success rates of AI exceeding 80% are common, as also same cows delivering by AI more than ten calves in good Dairy farms is not an exception. 1.1.1 AI Experience in India With best of our efforts in last 60 years, it has not been possible to achieve overall AI success rates better than 25% in India. Under controlled conditions even 80% success with AI has been achieved in India. With best of Govt. whole heartedly supported efforts, the resulting poor performance of 30 % national success rates of AI should be a lesson to rethink about alternatives to AI in India. Economic hardship of farmers due to extended dry period on account of deficient AI delivery has never been assessed by anybody in India. 1.1.2. Repeatedly failed AI cattle become infertile. Failed AI attempts give rise to fibroids in the vagina of a cow. After a few calving these fibroids render a good fertile cows incapable of future conception. Loss of good milk yielding cows due to infertility has also never been assessed in the Indian Animal Husbandry practice. By poor AI delivery apart from tremendous burden on farmers in feeding cows for the extended dry period, excellent milk cattle is being turned infertile. Infertility and AI (International Experience) Is Dairy Cow Fertility A Lost Cause? A sea of change in farmers' attitudes is needed if the problem of poor fertility is to be solved in the modern dairy cow population, says Marco Winters, head of genetics for DairyCo Breeding+, in an article written for Dairy Farmer. This message from Mr Winters reflects the fact that although daughter Fertility Index has been regularly published for bulls for over five years, there are many farmers who still disregard this index when selecting their AI sires. This could mean they are positively breeding against good fertility. "Every individual's breeding policy is clearly a matter of personal choice, but I'd say to any farmer who complains about poor cow fertility that he has the tools to change it within his grasp," says Mr Winters. "Of course, it's well known that management plays a big part in a herd's overall reproductive performance, but there's no question that you can stack the odds in your favour by bringing in fertile genetics." This argument is based on two pieces of clear and unambiguous evidence. "The first is illustrated in a new graph which shows that as farmers have used bulls with higher and higher Predicted Transmitting Abilities (PTAs) for milk production, their PTAs for Calving Interval have got worse - in other words, they've got longer," says Mr Winters. Graph 1 - which shows the genetics of the AI sires farmers have used over the past 20 years - clearly illustrates this effect. Graph 1: PTA for Milk Production and Calving Interval for AI sires used on British farms over 20 years But something different clearly happens in 2005," he says. "The lines very strongly diverge to indicate that while selection has continued in favour of milk production, genetics for calving interval have started to improve. "This is excellent news - not just because it tells us that since 2005, when Fertility Index was introduced, some farmers have been considering fertility when selecting their AI sires," he says. "But perhaps more importantly it tells us it's possible to continue to breed for better production, without sacrificing fertility." This is extremely encouraging for the future fertility of the UK dairy cow population as it offers the realistic hope that we can make future improvements through better breeding. This is corroborated in the second piece of compelling evidence, which is illustrated in graph two. Graph 2: PTA for Calving Interval of UK dairy cows and the AI sires used on British farms This graph shows the genetics for calving interval only, firstly in the cows in the national herd (blue line); then in the choice of AI sires (red line). The cows are referred to by year of birth; the AI sires by their year of use. As the lines go up, so the genetics for calving interval gets worse - and it's worse in the sires (and therefore future generations) than the cows. "What's also clear is that had there been a continuation of the trends of the 1990s, poor fertility would be an even greater problem today than is actually the case," says Mr Winters. "But that's hardly surprising as we had no Fertility Index at that time and farmers were selecting completely blind. "But the introduction of Fertility Index in 2005 is immediately reflected in farmers' choice of sires, which is followed, a year later, in the genetics of the cows. "And if we follow the choice of AI sires through to the animals that will be born in 2010 and 2011 (which we already know from inseminations recorded), we can see that these animals will have markedly better genetics for fertility. "Those farmers who have adopted this strategy and are paying attention to Fertility Index are to be congratulated," continues Mr Winters. "And those AI companies who have embraced this index have played an important role in the process. "But unfortunately, anecdotal evidence tells us that some AI companies do not readily publish this information and many farmers fail to request or take note of the index. "I would urge these people - especially if they have a fertility problem - to use Fertility Index within part of a balanced breeding strategy. "Screen on Profitable Lifetime Index [PLI] in the first instance, and then check those fitness indexes important to your herd and ensure you are using bulls which have strengths in the right areas. For many herds, the area which will need particular improvement is fertility, and today, it's possible to find more bulls on the market than ever before which will transmit good fertility on to their daughters." June 2011 In this way AI is helping the cow slaughter industry. 1.1.3. Inbreeding with AI is a well recognized problem in developed world Dairies also. In India as it is we have a lot of inbreeding trouble, AI is being performed for better cattle. But big potential loss of good cattle by inbreeding is inherent in AI. 1.1.4 - Spread of IBR by AI is a well established fact. IBR (Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis) has been an uncontrollable Zoonotic disease. Indian veterinary experts have the data of 20000 animals from Military Farms, Gaushala, Two Coordinated projects and 50 PG studies on this disease from India in support of this observation. It is reaching human population in the form of Swine Flu, Dengue fever, H1N1 infection, Common Cold and Cough spreading like epidemics in colder seasons. Lot of infecting germs get preserved at low temperature. Such cryogenic friendly infections cannot be avoided completely in even the best AI technologies. 1.1.5 Still Births/Miscarriages in AI. Up to 10% wastage is considered normal on these accounts even in best AI practice. In natural breeding questions of still births and miscarriages are results of only accidental mishaps. Average wastage as per experience with natural breeding is much less around 2%. 1.1.6. A more practical approach to AI in Indian context is not to overlook the advantages of Natural breeding methods. Normally when cost advantage of AI is demonstrated, the added cost born by the society to find resources for extended dry periods of cattle due to failed AI attempts, cost of cows rendered infertile due to improper AI operations are not taken in to calculations. Total costs involved in maintaining the cold chain, semen storage facilities, infrastructure of semen collection, storage and distribution and delivery infrastructure has never been taken in to consideration when comparing economics of AI with natural breeding practice. Overall total cost of natural breeding service under Indian conditions is far more advantageous than AI. 1.1.7. AI and ET –Embryo Transfer – techniques can be practiced under controlled expert institutions and larger Goshalas as support for the Field Services. Investigations of genetic improvement of cattle worldwide indicate that 70% of genetic improvement in milk yield and other economic traits is through progeny testing only. The annual genetic gain per year with progeny testing and with multiple ovulation and embryo transfer technology (MOET) with progeny testing is 1.8-2% and 3-4%, respectively. Considering all this ET technology for breed improvement should be given higher emphasis. 1.1.8. Above analysis establishes that AI under highly controlled conditions (In good institutions) can serve as a fast short time strategy to reduce the time frame involved in breed improvement of lactating animals. AI in the long term, is not a sustainable, viable technique to be adopted by range agrarian society for all future breeding purposes. Natural breeding by good pedigree bulls is the most sustainable and economically viable system. Govt. should consider shrinking its present infrastructure on AI straw production centers, and AI services, by taking a very pragmatic view of their performance in the last many decades under Indian conditions. Saving to the national exchequer and hardships being faced by poor cattle owning farmers will be very significant. Large number of good cows that become infertile due to poor AI delivery practice will also be saved. 1.19. Pedigree Bulls. Neutering Stray Bulls. Govt. plans to cover bi AI entire cow wealth of India has been in operation for the last 50 years. But till date AI facilities are reported to cover not more than 25% of Indian cows and buffaloes. Bulk of the milk production of India obviously comes from unorganized sector cows. These cows and buffaloes depend on stray bulls for breeding. This results in spread of disease and decrease of milk productivity. Govt. had many decades ago, very correctly laid down policy for neutering of all stray bulls. Castration by mechanical means is the only method known in practice. Taming of a stray bull and performing castration is not an easy operation. Thus practically hardly any castration of stray bulls is done in India. A medicine is reported to have been developed by Indian researchers many years ago to stop sperm production of Bulls and dogs. This medicine reported to be very regularly marketed in USA. But in India nobody knows about it. Neutered bulls still will perform the function of teaser bulls, and will be prevented from passing on their undesirable traits to cows in range. Supply of pedigree Bulls. Govt. has set up a number of bull development farms. But it is very important that all large Goshalas should be encouraged to participate in supply of pedigree male calves for breed conservation and improving the range cows. With increase use of farm machinery and tractors, everyone talks about ‘what to do with male calves’. There is an immense need for good male calves for natural breeding purposes, and this aspect does not appear to have weighed with Indian planners. For supply of AI semen lot of attention is paid to evaluate ‘bulls for breeding soundness test ’ . For natural breeding most of the pedigree male calves will be any day better than non descript stray bulls for breeding. 2. Cow - Milk productivity Improving targets(Indian Traditions) As per Atharv Veda10.9.1 ???????? ????? ?????? ??????- First domesticated cow was developed to provide sustenance for up to 100 men, (this included milk and cow based agriculture produce). Considering the total milk and agriculture output attributable to good cow this is a reasonable statement even today. Even during Mughal, cows giving 20 seers about 18 Kg milk were common according to historical records . That would come to above 4000 kg of milk per cow in one lactation. Due to progressive loss of good pastures and decline in rural living standards, care of individual cows suffered greatly. Most male calves were reared for agriculture traction duties. According to Panini certain promising Male calves were selected for being raised as breeding bulls. They were called ???????, Arshabhya. They were allowed to feed on two teats of their mother during weaning period. These male calves having breeding soundness after proper branding, were released for natural free breeding community service. Tattoo marking on the ears of a new born calf for breed evaluation and future breeding purpose has been tradition right fro Vedic period. Atharv Ved clearly stipulate ‘ ??????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ???? “Atharv ved . Even in Kautilya’s Arthashastra Ear Tatoo marking of new born was a duty of persons incharge of cow care. It was sacred duty of the community to look after health and welfare of these bulls. Releasing a good male calf for breeding was considered an act of great charity. Today with loss of these traditions and knowledge, only stray bulls are left to wander around and provide the available service for natural breeding for nearly 80% of Indian cows. The result is that due to inbreeding and poor breeding bulls, average per lactation yield of an Indian cow has dropped to below 750 Kg of milk. 3. Strategy for improving productivity of Indian breeds of cows. 3.1 Cross Breeding Option: For the past many decades planners in India and Pakistan have been practicing cross breeding with high yielding HF cows to improve the milk yield of Cows, and AI as the standard method of breeding. Ai has been covered in details earlier in this note. Coming to Cross breeding F2. F3 generations of cross bred cows are not reported to maintain the high expected milk yield. I have personally checked with Pakistan farmers about the experience of cross breeding Sahiwal with HF there. Cross bed Sahiwals do not normally give more than 17 to 18 liters of milk per day. Similar is the experience in India. In our Goshala in Delhi we have been able to milk yields of 16 to 18 liters from Indian Sahiwal and Gir cows. Thus Cross breeding of our cows with HF is not as important as good feed, healthy environment, health care and good pedigree natural breeding practices. 3.2 Targets for Milk yield of Indian breeds of Cows As per literature, few good milch breeds in India are considered for development . 1. Sahiwal, 2. Gir, 3. Red Sindhi and 4. Deoni. Based on recent literature and surveys, performance of dual purpose Indian cattle breeds viz. Tharparkar, Rathi, Kankrej is improving through selective breeding. These breeds are also popular among farmers. 1. Milk yield/lactation : around 3000 kg 2. Lactation length : 305 days 3. Dry period : 60 days 4. Service period : 60 to 90 days 5. Calving interval : 12 to 14 months 6. Fat % : 4.5 to 5% 7. Adult body weight : 275 to 300 kg 8. Utility : Dual (milk and draft) 9. Resistance : Tick and tropical disease and mastitis 10. Casein type : A-2 Beta casein polymorphism 11. Adaptability : Tropical climate 12. Life span : 20 years 13. Number of calving : 15-16 Indian Breeds in Brazil By genetic improvement in Brazil hey have developed Indian Gir, Kankarej breeds to provide In India large number of identifiable phenotypes of Indian breeds of cows had evolved to suit the natural conditions, over the last thousands of years. Let us not consciously loose this nature’s precious gift to our country.
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