Explore India at IAI (International Animal Industry) Expo 2011
Published:June 29, 2011
Source :IAI Expo
IAI Expo, The International Conference & Exhibition focused on the entire value- chain of poultry, dairy, meat, aqua, swine, sheep & goat, will be held in Karnal, India from 1st-3rd December 2011.
INDIA - The fastest emerging consumer market
India - Population of 1.2 billion people with a GDP growth rate of about 9% is rapidly emerging as one of the biggest Markets in the world.
India's livestock population is amongst the highest in the world.
India has 52 % of world's cattle population and 15 % of world's buffalo population
The livestock sector contributes approximately 4% to GDP and 27% to agricultural GDP.
Poultry contributes to 15% of total food energy and 5% of dietary protein.
Indian Milk production contributes to 15% of total world milk production.
India is 8th largest producer of meat with the export growing @ 13 percent over the last five years
Pork represents 7% of country's animal protein & volume share of pork in Indian meat industry is 6%.
Indian aqua-culture has demonstrated a six and half fold growth over the last two decades, with freshwater aqua-culture contributing to over 95 percent of the total aqua-culture production.
India ranks 3rd in Sheep & 2nd in goat population in World.
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy(Government of India)
UBI France
Indo- Arab Chamber's of commerce
Indo-African Chamber's of commerce
Poultry Federation of India
Progressive Dairy Farmer's Association Haryana
Gold Sponsors:
Jarvis Equipments Pvt. Ltd.
DSM Nutritional Products India Pvt. Ltd.:
Silver Sponsor:
Indian Herb Overseas
Lanyard Sponsor:
IAI Expo is India's most comprehensive expo that acts as one stop solution for complete Indian Animal Industry. Here we focus on A to Z of Industry i.e from set-up of farm to Marketing of Product.
Dear Mr.D-r Verginia Malinova Gaidarska
It would be pleasure to see you as a participant in our expo, IAI, we are planning to do a conference parallel to the exhibition, you can be a participant there also, kindly send me your contact details as email id, so that i can send you the required details as well or you can also write to me at iai@pcsl.co.in
looking forward to here from you.
thanks & Regards
Dear friends!!!!
Thank you very much for your invitation!!!
If you have any possibility I would like to take part in this EXPO with reports concerning Dairy Catttle population in Bulgaria!!!
Thank you very once again for your attention,
Best regads,
Ass= prof d-r Verginia Malinova Gaidarska
Institute of Animal Science- Kostinbrod - 2232
Sofia, Bulgaria