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Severity of White Feces Syndrome, White Gut Disease and White Muscle Disease in Vannamei Shrimps And Control Measures

Published: November 30, 2015
INTRODUCTION Shrimp culture is now days developed intensively with upgraded technology for higher and successful production. In many occasions shrimp culture are affected by various diseases and experienced in loss of crop or reduced the production level by various reasons. Intensive and semi -intensive aqua farming accompanies several disease problems often due to opportunistic pathogens as e...
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Jyothi swaroopa
4 de noviembre de 2016
Where is treatment for disease
avinash kakarla
20 de marzo de 2017

Can you explan about cramping.
We are maintaining mother tanks in our farm, while seed shifting the shrimp going to cramp and white on middle of body and dying. Can you give any suggestion?

suresh lakku
18 de junio de 2017
Good Morning sir, i am suresh... i need a solution for white gut disease in vannamei shrimp.. please inform product Name and its mode of action.. Dosage matrix. thank you..
Laurence Hutchinson
Freshwater Solutions- Ecological aquaculture
18 de junio de 2017
Your shrimps are sick because they are in the wrong environment, you need to change the environment and then the shrimps will not need medication.Please describe the environment so that I have some idea what may be the cause, changing the health of your shrimps will improve production.
suresh lakku
18 de junio de 2017
Thank you laurence. Here temperature is some what high nearly 40dc. DOC is 35 in pond. Salnity 32
Laurence Hutchinson
Freshwater Solutions- Ecological aquaculture
18 de junio de 2017
Hi Suresh, salt water salinity can range from 34-36 as an average. The point I am trying to make is that if you were well in good health you would not need any medication.Shrimp production under conventional rearing conditions does experience these disease outbreaks. It is necessary to ask yourself whether or not a change in the way shrimp are farmed would not make a difference. It has much more to do with what the shrimp require rather than what you want from shrimp farming. Being able to provide more for the shrimps requirements by changing the rearing environment will make all the difference. You need dedicated ponds for the different stages of growth production for both juveniles and maturing shrimps.You no doubt already use a natural food chain for the juveniles, this process should be used throughout the grow out stages up to harvest. This means that ponds need to be prepared to grow a marine food chain suitable for the growing shrimps well in advance of their introduction into which the juveniles, when old enough can be transferred. These ponds remain as food chain enhancement ponds until they carry enough natural food to grow out the shrimps for harvest. If you stock these ponds too heavily the shrimps will eat all of the food before they have reached maturity which would be a mistake. Experimenting with your stocking densities will have to relate to your grow out ponds ability to generate enough natural food for the process. Artificial feeding would be necessary if you have over stocked your ponds, either leave the ponds longer to grow more natural marine food organisms or stock less intensively. Enhancing this marine environment in the food chain ponds by the addition of marine plants that promote marine organisms that the shrimps eat will help in natural food production. Pollution will be reduced and artificial food costs will almost disappear if the system is correctly balanced. Understanding marine ecology and marine food chain requirements and enhanced habitats will provide a pond system were these ponds can remain in use within a managed cycle of production. The production may well be less than purely intensive systems but the likelihood of disease and losses will be reduced and the quality of the product will command a much better price as it will be naturally fed. These control measures will change the way you farm shrimps and make your farming systems much more robust and secure.
19 de junio de 2017

Dear Mr. Suresh,

I read through the above conversations. Let me know your pond location and severity of the disease.

There is a product "MahaLiv" which is very effective for White Gut Disease. Please check on the availability and dose requirement as per severity of disease. This product seems to be safe and also prevents further outbreak of white gut disease if used regularly.

Dr. Sameer K. Akolkar

Alexander van Halteren
19 de junio de 2017
Dear Suresh, We have done some interesting working on reducing the effect of white gut in Indonesia. We have been able to improve harvesting yields and growth recuperation after the disease has been present in the culture tanks. Can you sent me your e-mail details so I can share you the publication on that work done. We still have a lot of questions and for sure the culture parameters play an important role. You can also drop me an e-mail on the below address. Regards, Alexander van Halteren a.vanhalteren@nutriad.com
Dr Suman Keerthi
20 de junio de 2017
Iam also instresting the above topic..
Tim Nguyen
20 de junio de 2017
Please, contact me! nguyentam@vietuc.net
Julius Sarria
20 de junio de 2017
Please do send me the publication. Sounds interesting.
Renato Alicando
15 de junio de 2020
Julius Sarria Pre number mo Akin 09356994042
20 de junio de 2017
fatah m drajat
21 de junio de 2017
Dear all, I would like to share my experience dealing with white feces syndrome. The used of 10-15 ppm of saponeen (tea seed cake) cured the white feces syndrome. I had cured this syndrome in 5 cases, in the different site and time of vannamei culture. Maybe my experiences will help. Thank you.
M S Karthik
28 de junio de 2017
Very good information and very practical and useful
Kumar Katya, PhD
Crops For the Future (CFF)
28 de junio de 2017
Dear Laurence, Thanks for highlighting the importance of environment, feeds and feeding regime in ensuring the fish/shrimp health. Nevertheless, modern fish farming will continue to intensify, where functional feeds/ingredients have a major role to play. The ongoing trend of more fish per unit area and investment demands immune boosting diets, along with optimum rearing condition, as explained by you. Dear Alexander, Nutriad has developed additive specifically for white feces and gut disease? Or its a general immunostimulant/modulator? It has been a while talking to Allen, kindly share updates, if you can. Dear Fataham, tea seed cake sounds interesting. I have experimented before with green tea, yellow clay, fermented byproduct and found inconsistent but encouraging results. Agree, none of them could be considered as silver bullet, yet cost effective management is warranted. Thanks
Laurence Hutchinson
Freshwater Solutions- Ecological aquaculture
28 de junio de 2017
Dear Kumar Katya, you must remember that the aquaculture food production industry and the pharma supplies all need to make money by selling their products. Some argue that it is in fact the fish feed industry that is pushing aquaculture's intensification for its own ends. While generating a natural food chain would exclude this industry totally, it depends who is paying your bills, as to whom you may support. Artificial food will never be superior to natural food no matter how one goes about marketing the product. An animals metabolism is very much designed to eat natural food sources even its amino acids requirements cannot be supplied artificially as they cannot all be synthesized.More intensification means more profit for the feed manufacturers, more profit for those supplying medications, were little risk is involved. The fish farmer by increasing the intensification of production takes all the risks the other parties do not have to take.
Kumar Katya, PhD
Crops For the Future (CFF)
28 de junio de 2017
Dear Laurence, Thank you!! Yes, agree its feed/premix/additive industry is the one pushing the aquaculture intensification around the world. There could be the misconception that, stagnating capture fishery, limited natural resources together with ever increasing seafood demand has generated the aquaculture intensification, expansion and rapid diversification trend. Yes, aquaculture production could have hit the landmark and come thus far using natural food and extensive farming. I would like to differ only that, only 10 amino acids are essential in fish. As you know, knowledge and innovations in nutrition science has advanced significantly and now we have liquid/solid and stable amino acids products to supply the fish requirements. No intensification and no risk.. great Thanks again.
Nguyen Duy Hoa
28 de junio de 2017
I put some questions for you to think about before i vould jump into recommended solutions for more practical results: 1. Why WFD is normally occured in the hot summer ? 2. Why WFD is normally occurred after big rainings ? 3. Why WFD is normally occurred after 40 days and more with high stocking density ? If you are a real shrimp farmers you would see what i said from your field ibservation/experiences.... Then before jump in solutions you can invest those above questions... what would happen with the abive situations ?
Kumar Katya, PhD
Crops For the Future (CFF)
29 de junio de 2017
Dear Nguyen, appreciate your comments and approach. All these three questions could be answered by the same explanation and acceptance - "Yes fish/shrimp are frequently raised in stressful environment'. Specific rearing condition and weather play a vital role to trigger the epidemic. At the same time, summer mortality in Pacific oyster happens in the natural environment. Obliviously, rise in water temp lower the DO availability, where high stocking density and feeding rate make the situation more severe. Have mentioned that, cold water disease in Salmon has been a serious problem at lower temp. No doubt, we need to have - optimum density, judicious feeding and sustainable rearing practice. Risk must be minimised and precautionary measures must be taken at every step. The question remain unclear - - Has the production come so far depending on extensive and traditional farming? - Can we meet the demand using natural food? Yes, agree optimum density, feeding protocol, water managemnt in intensive farming with a view to minmise the stress and disease risk. - Can we object the fact, parallel growth in feed production has been "driving" the aquaculture production? - Can we ensure farmers profitability per unit of time/investment/efforts using natural food? - Bearing in mind chemicals and antibiotics no more effective or acceptable, could vaccination be the answer in low value and crustacean aquaculture? Agree, additives are not silver bullet but we need to bridge the knowledge gap in functional feeds/ingredients development. Thanks
Nguyen Duy Hoa
29 de junio de 2017

1. Hot summer limit the oxygen dissolved in the water even you add more paddle wheels it will not work effective as partial covering by orchis mesh - farmers has started partial cover of the ponds in the hot season instead of adding more paddle wheels.
2. After big raining the algae collapsed that resulted in exhausted DO in the bottom and favorable pathogen bacteria bloom plus stressful from pH, salinity and temperature make shrimp more stressful and easily attracted by pathogen.
3. After 40 days shrimp eat a lot compared to during first 30 days... then more organic matters accumulated in bottom that resulted in exhausted DO... again that favorable for pathogenic bacteria blooming... and the higher density the more serious problem...
So you need tk manage well DO by partial covering the pinds, differrent number of paddle wheels for the first 30 days, 30 to 60 days and 60 days to harvest.
In addition you need to teach your farm technicians how to main tain stable algae, stable pH and stable high alkalinity using probiotics, mollasses and fermented rice bran...
One the WFD occurred you need multie solutions to recover water quality as well as top coating with antibiotics for 3-5 days only - shrimp is also the same human being who needs to see doctor when you are infected with disease... we are not supported antibiotics but support preventive solutions - however when you are infected with disease if you want to save yourself you need medicines from Doctor....
Natural foods yes all people support but can not produce more shrimp for food industry...

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