Animal Science Trio Appointed to Society Positions
Published:July 29, 2014
Source :University of Arkansas, Department of Animal Science
Apple, Looper, Rosenkrans named to American Society of Animal Science posts
Jason Apple, Mike Looper and Charles Rosenkrans from the Department of Animal Science in the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences at the University of Arkansas have been appointed to positions with the American Society of Animal Science.
Looper, department head, was elected president of the ASAS and will serve a three-year term as president-elect in 2014, president in 2015 and past-president in 2016. Apple, a professor who focuses his research on meat quality, was elected president of the Midwest Section and will serve a three-year term beginning this year.
Rosenkrans, a professor whose research includes animal toxicology, was elected to serve as secretary-treasurer for the Southern Section. After serving a five year term, during which he will also serve as Vice-Persident; he will become president in 2017. Ending his service term as Past-President.
“At no other time in history have so many people depended on so few for food production, and at no other time have animals contributed so meaningfully to enhancing human life by providing companionship, recreation and human well-being,” said Looper. “The society has played a critical role in the successes of animal agriculture as well as the development of numerous professional careers. It’s important to give back to an organization that has provided so much to so many. I am excited about the opportunity to provide leadership in ASAS.”
Apple earned his bachelor’s in animal science from Oklahoma State University, and his master’s and doctorate from Kansas State University in animal science with an emphasis in meat science and muscle biology. “I’ve been going to Midwest Animal Science meetings since 1989, and I was truly honored to have been asked to run for president; so, I am ecstatic about serving for the next three years,” Apple said.
Looper earned his bachelor’s and master’s in animal science from the University of Arkansas, and his doctorate in reproductive physiology from Oklahoma State University.
Rosenkrans earned his bachelor’s and master’s in animal science from the University of Missouri, and his doctorate in reproductive physiology from Kansas State University.
University of Arkansas, Department of Animal Science