Heat stress is a threat that can lead to significant financial losses in the production of poultry in the world’s tropical and arid regions. The degree of heat stress (mild, moderate, severe) experienced by poultry depends mainly on thermal radiation, humidity, the animal’s thermoregulatory ability, metabolic rate, age, intensity, and duration of the heat stress. Contemporary commercial broiler chickens have a rapid metabolism, which makes them produce higher heat and be prone to heat stress. The negative effect of heat stress on poultry birds’ physiology, health, production, welfare, and behaviors are reviewed in detail in this work. The appropriate mitigation strategies for heat stress in poultry are equally explored in this review. Interestingly, each of these strategies finds its applicability at different stages of a poultry’s lifecycle. For instance, gene mapping prior to breeding and genetic selection during breeding are promising tools for developing heatresistant breeds. Thermal conditioning during embryonic development or early life enhances the ability of birds to tolerate heat during their adult life. Nutritional management such as dietary manipulations, night-time feeding, and wet feeding often, applied with timely and effective correction of environmental conditions have been proven to ameliorate the effect of heat stress in chicks and adult birds. As long as the climatic crises persist, heat stress may continue to require considerable attention; thus, it is imperative to explore the current happenings and pay attention to the future trajectory of heat stress effects on poultry production.
KEYWORDS heat stress, poultry, nutrition, management, environment, welfare.
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