In poultry rearing, factors such as feeding, management, and environmental factors are fundamental for achieving maximum profitability with efficient meat and egg production. Since the middle of last century, poultry production has reached a development such that it has made it possible to obtain high production in the industrial field. The improvement and development has been possible thanks to the advantages of birds, mainly with regard to the density of population (Wright, 1996).
The proper feeding of birds begins in the first weeks of life and must be followed strictly during the period of growth; achieve a peak of production, which constitutes a challenge for those responsible for its management (Velasco, 1998). In order to achieve these objectives, natural additives have been used since 1980, when Vogt et al. (1981) recommended citric or fumaric acid at a dose of 4.5%; however, the results in behavior have been variable while using these additives. With the restriction of antibiotics as growth promoters, the volume of research has increased and the list of additives has grown according to (Griggs & Jacob, 2005). These include organic and inorganic acids, prebiotics, probiotics, vitamins, antioxidants, among others; the expected response being that the intestinal health of the animals be maintained (Penz & Gianfellici, 2008). The study of the characteristics of distillery vinasse (pH, chemical compounds, yeasts, minerals and vitamins) might lead to think of it as a source of significant value as an additive in animal production (Mc-Pherson et al., 2002). Studies by Lewicki (2001) and Stemme et al. (2005) report decreases in the costs of food and more efficient production outcomes when using beet vinasse. Also, a stimulating effect on consumption and animal behavior was found, as a response to the high content of complex B vitamins present in vinasse (Gohl, 1991). For this reason, the goal of these experiments was to evaluate the behavior of the birds while using distillery vinasse from alcohol as an additive in feed.
Materials & Methods
In fattening chickens, 240 male hybrids EB34, 1 day of age and 42 g average weight were used, distributed according to a completely randomized design, distributed in two treatments, with ten repetitions. The birds were housed in metal cages of 1.06 m2 with 12 chickens/cage with nipple drinkers and 1.20 m front to feeder; they also received 24 h lighting during the 42 days. A three-phase feeding system (table 1) was used, manually and at will. The experiment consisted of supplementation with distillery vinasse. The volume of vinasse supplied increased at every stage of production (beginning: 5 mL/animal/day; growth: 10 mL/animal/day and end 15 mL/animal/day) Birds were vaccinated against smallpox, New Castle, Gumboro. Daily clinical observations, control of mortality, autopsy to sick and dead animals were performed.
To evaluate the productive behavior, indicators of food consumption, mortality and live weight of birds were controlled on day 42. Later, feed conversion, gain weight and viability were calculated. At 42 days of age, 10 animals were slaughtered for measurement purposes, in order to determine the total weight in carcass, breast, thighs + legs, innards and abdominal fat.
In replacement pullets, White Leghorn pullets, lineage L33, from thefirst day of age up to 18 weeks were used. The birds were housed in metal cages according to a completely randomized design, with 4 treatments (0,1%, 1.5% and 2% of vinasse) and 5 repetitions each. They were subjected to similar handling and feeding conditions, with water supply at will, controlled consumption of feed and control of lighting. Each repetition was made up of a cage with 30 pullets at the beginning 15 pullets in growth and development; the birds received water and food ad-libitum, in feeders and linear troughs. During the experiment, indicators of mortality, food consumption, live weight and feed conversion by treatment were recorded. For measuring batch uniformity, all animals were weighed by treatment and the average was used.
Table 1. Composition and contribution of the basal diet for fattening chicken (%)
(1) Vitamin supplements: vitamin A, 10000 IU; vitamin D3, 2000 IU; vitamin E, 10 mg; vitamin K3, 2 mg; thiamine, 1 mg; riboflavin, 5 mg; pyridoxine 2 mg; vitamin B12, 15.4 μg; nicotinic acid, 125 mg; Ca pantothenate, 10 mg; folic acid, 0.25 mg; biotin, 0.02 mg (2) mineral supplement: selenium, 0.1 mg; Iron 40 mg; copper, 12 mg; zinc, 120 mg; magnesium 100 mg; iodine, 2.5 mg; cobalt, 0.75 mg:
Table 2. Composition and contribution of diet for replacement pullets (%)
(1) Vitamin supplements: vitamin A, 10000 IU; vitamin D3, 2000 IU; vitamin E, 10 mg; vitamin K3, 2 mg; thiamine, 1 mg; riboflavin, 5 mg; pyridoxine 2 mg; vitamin B12, 15.4 μg; nicotinic acid, 125 mg; Ca pantothenate, 10 mg; folic acid, 0.25 mg; biotin, 0.02 mg (2) mineral supplements: selenium, 0.1 mg; Iron 40 mg; copper, 12 mg; zinc, 120 mg; magnesium 100 mg; iodine, 2.5 mg; cobalt, 0.75 mg:
The vinasse analysis was conducted according to AOAC (2000).
Table 3. Composition of the vinasse
Table 4. Microbiological characterization of vinasse
* No fungi were found in any of the samples
Data processing was performed using the statistical data INFOSTAT (2001) software, and when it was necessary, the differences between average values were tested according to (Duncan, 1955) for P< 0.05.
Results and Discussion
The addition of vinasse ensured a greater final live weight of the animals (table 5); results that relate to the mechanisms of action of organic acids (propionic, butyric, acetic), as well as other nutrients that are part of this remnant.
Table 5. Behavior of chickens in 42 days fattening
Table 6. Weighing of edible portions
According to (Mc-Pherson et al., 2002), the positive effects of adding vinasse are due to the organic acids contained in it, which, in turn, are enhanced by other nutrients. The content of yeast walls, minerals and B-complex vitamins increases the efficiency of utilization of nutrients and, therefore, produces a better performance of animals. According to (Morales, 2007), the polysaccharides in the cell wall of yeast, of beta-glucans and manan type, can exert effects on the immune system of the chicken and the exclusion of pathogens at digestive scale. In response to these effects, the development of the digestive mucosa is favored and a better state of immunocompetency is maintained in the bird. In the live weight gain stages, feed conversion was slightly higher in the experimental treatment, coinciding with (Upendra & Yathiraj, 2003); who found a better conversion and live weight in birds that consumed combinations of additives. This superiority coincides with investigations carried out in the Netherlands, Belgium and France, quoted by (Sarria & Preston, 1992); they proved that it was possible to improve the speed of growth in 5% and decrease the price of the ration in 15%, recommending for birds between 2% and 3% addition of concentrated vinasse. Table 6 shows the effect on the meat portions, in favor of treatment with vinasse; similar results were obtained by (Miazzo et al., 2005, 2007), who found improvements in the performance of the thighs and abdominal fat reduction, as well as a trend towards breast weight improvement in chickens that consumed the brewing yeast supplement. In the viscera, differences only occurred in the weight of the liver, which suggests a probiotic activity on this organ.
In pullet rearing, the inclusion of vinasse in the diet led to a greater viability, with better results for 2% of inclusion. These mechanisms, according to (Brugalli, 2003), produce alterations in the intestinal microflora, increase the digestibility and absorption of nutrients. After 42 days, indicators begin to show evidence of superiority in favor of vinasse. A stimulating effect on consumption and behavior is observed, as a response to the high content of vitamins present in vinasse (Gohl, 1991). This demonstrates that, from a nutritional point of view, it is possible to include up to 2% of vinasse in the diets of initial replacement of laying hens; similar to those mentioned by (Javierre, 2006), who reported a better performance for live-weight, weight gain and mortality in birds that consume combinations of acidifying supplements.
Table 7: Behavior of pullets at 42 days
a,b Measurements in each row with different letters differ significantly between each other to P<0.05 (Duncan 1955)
* P<0.05 ** P< 0.01 ***P< 0.001
Figure 1. Reproductive organ
The resulting viability for treatments with vinasse is expressed in a more efficient manner, demonstrating that the use of vinasse in bird feeding does not compromise the health of these animals and, on the contrary, shows improved indicators.
The weight of the reproductive tract and the follicle count, shows, according to Nakano et al. (1999), the reproductive development. Therefore, the response shown by pullets to the use of distillery vinasse highlights potential for this waste to be considered as additive, thus improving the productive, reproductive behavior and the health of replacement pullets. It is important to note that the beginning of egg laying marks a production advantage in this species, since it translates into increased egg production in this stage. These results confirm the results obtained by Nakano et al. (1999), which showed a close relationship of live weight and the reproductive system by using additives in laying hen.
These results suggest that the use of vinasse as an additive in chickens for fattening and laying hens replacement, can optimize the use of the nutrients in the diet, ensure adequate productive behavior in animals and economic benefits, facilitated by the better development of birds could be achieved as well.
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