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Dietary Supplementation of Valerin and Butyrin Improves the Growth Performance of Broilers

Published: July 12, 2024
By: L. LI 1, S. SURADKAR 2, D. SINGARE 2 and S. JAGTAP 3 / 1 Perstorp Animal Nutrition, Australia; 2 Dr. B.V. Rao Institute of Poultry Management & Technology, India; 3 Perstorp Animal Nutrition, India.
Tri-butyrin is regarded as an ideal molecule to supply both butyrate and mono-butyrin to the small intestine (SI) to maintain intestinal function, modulate the immune response and improve broiler growth performance (Moquet et al., 2016; Moquet et al., 2018). Valerins have been shown to positively affect the morphology of the SI mucosa and reduce the incidence of necrotic enteritis (Onrust et al., 2018). To date, little information is available as to the extent to which valerin and butyrin in combination affect the morphology of the SI and improve broiler performance with or without antibiotic supplementation. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of a synergic combination of valerin and butyrin (Gastrivix™ Avi) with or without antibiotics using a total of 3520 as-hatched d-old chicks (Vencobb 430Y). These additives were added to the corn/soybean meal-based diet individually or in combination at various doses. Four dietary treatments (eight replicates/treatment with 110 birds/replicate) were: T1: Basal diet control; T2: T1 + Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate (BMD; 500 g/MT throughout all the phases); T3: T1 + valerin/butyrin combination (500, 500 and 250 g/MT in starter, grower and finisher phases, respectively) and T4: T2 + valerin/butyrin combination (500, 500 and 250 g/MT in starter, grower and finisher phases, respectively). Feed refusal and body weight of birds were measured every week until d42. On d14, 28 and 42, eight birds (one bird/replicate) were randomly selected from each pen and euthanised for jejunum and ileum morphology analysis.
Table 1 - d1 to d42 performance of broilers fed different diets and d42 Jejunum and Ileum Villi length and crypt depth (data expressed as mean ± standard deviation).
Table 1 - d1 to d42 performance of broilers fed different diets and d42 Jejunum and Ileum Villi length and crypt depth (data expressed as mean ± standard deviation).
Results showed that, during the entire trial period (d1-42), compared to birds offered T1 diet, BMD supplementation alone (T2) reduced FCR by 6 points and improved BWG by 0.1 kg. Birds fed diet containing valerin/butyrin combination alone (T3) had 6 points lower FCR and improved BWG by 0.18 kg. Compared to the BMD supplemented group (T2), valerin/butyrin combination in combination with BMD (T4) lowered FCR by 11 points and increased BWG by 0.27 kg. In conclusion, under the current trial management condition, valerin/butyrin combination at the suggested dosage performed as well as an in-feed BMD in sustaining bird feed utilisation efficiency and growth performance. Combining valerin/butyrin combination with BMD further improved growth potential and feed efficiency of birds. Such an effect was achieved by the improved morphology of SI, likely with more efficient nutrient absorption.
Presented at the 34th Annual Australian Poultry Science Symposium 2023. For information on the next edition, click here.

Moquet PCA, Onrust L, Van Immerseel F, Ducatelle R, Hendriks WH & Kwakkel RP (2016) World. Poult. Sci. J. 72: 61-80.

Moquet PCA, Salami SA, Onrust L, Hendriks WH & Kwakkel RP (2018) Poult. Sci. 97: 167-176.

Onrust L, Van Driessche K, Ducatelle R, Schwarzer K, Haesebrouck F & Van Immerseel F (2018) Poult. Sci. 97: 2303-2311.

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