to reach maximum weight in 35 -42 weeks you must feed the chickens ad lib. you feed the chickens a starter feed containing 22 -24 CP% for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks you change to a grower with a CP% of 20 and the for the last week if you slaughter at 5 weeks or the last 2 weeks if you slaughter at 6 weeks a finisher feed containing a CP% of 18.
That is bit, too small to ask in this forum and if it was of a higher dimension question; answer is feed anything you have to offer but make sure that it is balanced in nutrition and free for pathogens...fried rice with some pulses or maize, or noodles made in small pieces all work...have experience to tell and interestingly if we can balance it, it works better than the commercial feed. But the numbers, condition of management and all has to be taken into consideration before saying start withe chick starter.