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Success case: PlusProtect Digestive and PhytoMax boost productivity in breeding hens

Published: July 15, 2021
By: PlusVet Animal Health
Success case: PlusProtect Digestive and PhytoMax boost productivity in breeding hens - Image 1
A success case in a breeding farm proved that the use of PlusProtect Digestive© and PhytoMax© can significantly improve productive parameters such as laying rate, FCR, egg quality, egg mass and percentage of qualified eggs.
Animals: There were 8 houses, with 5500-6500 breeders/house. Houses 2 (5.586 breeders) and 4 (6329 breeders) were considered the trial group. All the other houses were considered the control group. All the animals have the same age. All the animals were affected by an episode of feed passage.
Treatments: The trial group was fed with PlusProtect Digestive© through drinking water for 7 days, followed by PhytoMax© through drinking water for another 7 days. The control group didn’t receive any treatment.
All the other health, nutritional and management parameters, as well as the environmental conditions, were the same for both groups.
The productive parameters were recorded from day 1 to day 16.
Gut health and appearance of the eggshell
Success case: PlusProtect Digestive and PhytoMax boost productivity in breeding hens - Image 2
After using PlusProtect Digestive© for one week, the digestive health of chickens improved, the appearance of feces returned to normal, the smell of ammonia in the poultry houses decreased. The color and smoothness of the eggshell improved.
After using PhytoMax© during the second week, the overall appearance of the eggs significantly improved: the eggshell color became shiny and darker and it looked thicker compared to the eggs from control groups.
Productive parameters
% Laying rate
Success case: PlusProtect Digestive and PhytoMax boost productivity in breeding hens - Image 3
>The average decrease of the % laying rate in the trial group during the period is 0.594%
>The average decrease of the % laying rate in the control group during the period is 3.036%
>The % laying rate of the trial group decreased 2.44 points less.
According to the data shown in the table above, the average variance of egg mass data in the control group is 0.72, while in the trial group is 0.27. The average variance in the trial group is 61.87% lower.
Variance is the average of the squared distances from each data to the mean. A high variance indicates that the data points are very spread out from the mean, and from one another. In other words, a low variance is a sign of stability of a given parameter.
Success case: PlusProtect Digestive and PhytoMax boost productivity in breeding hens - Image 4
>The average decrease of egg mass during the period in the trial group was group 0.60 g/hen/day.
>The average decrease of egg mass during the period in the control group was group 1.83 g/hen/day.
>The decrease of egg mass in the trial group was 67.21% less severe than in the control group.

Feed Conversion Ratio

Success case: PlusProtect Digestive and PhytoMax boost productivity in breeding hens - Image 5
According to the data shown in the table above, the average variance of daily FCR data in the control group is 0.005, while in the trial group is 0.003. The variance in the trial group is 46.35% lower.
Success case: PlusProtect Digestive and PhytoMax boost productivity in breeding hens - Image 6
>The average worsening of FCR during the period in the trial group was group 0.035.
>The average worsening of FCR during the period in the control group was group 0.141.
>The worsening of FCR in the trial group was 75.17% less severe than in the control group.

Percentage of qualified eggs

Success case: PlusProtect Digestive and PhytoMax boost productivity in breeding hens - Image 7
According to the data shown in the table above, the average variance of qualified eggs data in the control group is 0.00012, while in the trial group is 0.00004. The variance in the trial group is 64.72% lower.
Success case: PlusProtect Digestive and PhytoMax boost productivity in breeding hens - Image 8
The average daily percentage of qualified eggs increased 0.28% in the trial groups, while decreased 0.76% in the control group (1.04 points difference).
Return on investment
It was calculated based on:
A cost of feed per ton of 367 USD / ton
A price of fertile eggs of 0.25 USD / piece
The return on investment was 2.12:1.
PhytoMax© is a combination of vitamins, chelated calcium, microminerals and essential oils to be given through drinking water. It is intended for layers and breeders to:
Maintain the levels of calcium and magnesium needed for optimal egg production.
Reinforce skeletal health.
Prevent cage fatigue.
Stimulate the hepatic metabolism and the immune system.
Improve the quality of the egg and the health of day-old chicks.
Avoid the drop of the laying rate produced by stress (management, vaccines, hot weather, etc…)
At the start of the laying period, to boost productivity.
Prolong the productive life of the hen.
PlusProtect Digestive© is intended to maintain and improve digestive health in birds, rabbits and aquatic species of all ages. It is given through drinking water and is formulated with synergistic ingredients:
Essential oils with bactericidal and fungicidal activity
Immunostimulant and antioxidant essential oils
Plant extracts with prebiotic effect.
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