Egg Quality Traits and Shell Microbial Contaminations in Two Commercial Layer Strains Affected by Flock Age and Storage Period
Published:August 9, 2016
INTRODUCTION In Egyptian governorates, the poor storage conditions of market-egg at room temperature especially in summer leads to higher economic losses for producers. Therefore, it is very important to evaluate the egg quality characteristics as well as factors affecting them up to arrive to the consumer in the best condition. The park yard system of the egg production sustains the small fam...
Dear Dr. El-Sheikh:
Thank you for sharing your research. I have two questions:
Can you share the scientific reference so that we cite your work accordingly?
Can you define the storage conditions more precisely? (i.e., you mentioned "room temperature"; but, could you be more specific. for instance: What was the room temperature and relative humidity? Did it fluctuate during the day/night? what was the average in each period? What time of the year (season) and what was the external (environmental) temperature and relative humidity, etc.) The values of these parameters could help interpreting the results in a better way).
I share the same views as Dr. Jesus Arango. The temperature, humidity, storage etc are factors that influence the quality of the egg. It is a good practical research work and it will help farmers to manage the parameters to obtain a better egg quality. Because of hot summer, certain farmers are using air conditioners to keep the environment cool in the egg storage room. But, then the eggs must be carried in refrigerated trucks.