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Efficacy of a Micro-Encapsulated Phytogenic Product Based on Carvacrol, Cinnamaldehyde, Capsaicin and Cineol in Diets for Broiler and Laying Hens – Improvements in a Dose Dependent Manner Without Compromising Safety

Published: April 28, 2021
By: H. Gerstenkorn 1, K. Maenner 2 and J. Zentek 2 / 1 Product Manager Feed Additives, EW Nutrition GmbH; 2 Institute of Animal Nutrition, Freie Universität Berlin.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major threat to global public health and facilitated through overuse of antibiotics in both human medicine and agriculture. Antibiotic reduction as part of antimicrobial stewardship might be a tool to lower the incidence of AMR. Alternatives like phytogenic feed additives have the potential to reduce the use of antibiotics in poultry farming. To evaluate the capabilities of a commercial phytogenic feed additive (Activo® by EW Nutrition GmbH) feeding studies have been conducted in broilers and in laying hens. One broiler and one laying hen study have been conducted as tolerance studies and two studies have been conducted as dose finding studies.

The first study evaluated the tolerance and dose dependent efficacy of the phytogenic product in diets for broiler chickens from day 1 to day 35 of age (400 animals, 4 treatment groups). Basal starter and grower diets were supplemented with 0, 100 mg/kg, 1000 mg/kg and 10000 mg/kg of the product. Body weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, health status, and blood parameters were used for demonstrating the tolerance and efficacy of the product.

Compared to the control group, supplementation with 100 mg/kg showed significant improvements in body weight gain in the starter period (+4%) and significant improvements in feed conversion ratio (FCR) in the grower period (+4%), resulting in an overall improvement in FCR of 3%. At 1000 mg/kg supplementation, a significant improvement in FCR of 6% was observed over the entire feeding period. Results recorded for hematological parameters were within the reference range of healthy broiler chickens when feeding up to 10000 mg/kg of the product in feed.

The second study evaluated the dose dependent efficacy and tolerance of the phytogenic additive in laying hens from week 20 to 43 of age (200 animals, 5 treatments). A basal diet for laying hens was supplemented with dose levels of 0, 100, 250, 500, and 5000 mg/kg of the product, respectively. Responses were demonstrated on body weight (gain), feed intake, egg production, FCR and health status throughout the 168 day feeding period. Blood profile measurements were included at the end of the study.

Inclusion levels from 100 mg/kg upwards improved laying performance, egg mass and egg weight in comparison to the control group and reduced FCR compared to the control group. Blood parameters obtained in the layers at the end of the feeding study showed that the product at an inclusion of 5000 mg/kg did not affect the measured parameters, when compared to the control group. Two more studies, one broiler and one laying hen study found dose-dependent effects for the tested additive, where higher inclusion rates led to higher performance improvements.

In conclusion, all four conducted studies revealed that graded inclusion levels of a defined micro encapsulated phytogenic feed additive can significantly increase production parameters of both broiler and laying hens without negatively affecting animal health when incorporated at up to 100 fold the dose recommended for inclusion into diets.


Abstract presented at the 30th Annual Australian Poultry Science Symposium 2019. For information on the latest edition and future events, check out https://www.apss2021.com.au/.

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Henning Gerstenkorn
EW Nutrition
Prof. Jürgen Zentek
Institut für Tierernährung und Stoffwechselphysiologie
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