Back in 2019, Shell Egg Academy (SEA) was born out of conversations with egg companies about the training and education needs they have for their managers and employees.
Together with a planning team from various egg companies, academia and regulatory agency folks, we have learned a lot about how to structure our courses. It is our commitment that SEA continues to be the place to get up to speed on all of the latest information and training on egg production and egg food safety.
I encourage you and/or your team to register for one of two SEA academies coming up in the next few weeks:
SEA Virtual will run August 15-19 (in both English and Spanish!) and focuses on employees who work in egg barns and processing plants. The virtual SEA is broken out into two courses - one for live production and one for egg processing; participants may chose one or both courses. Schedule | Register
SEA In-Person at Purdue University will run September 27-29 and will provide a deeper dive into production and food safety topics for egg company managers who also want additional networking with industry, academia, and the regulatory agencies that oversee egg regulations. Schedule | Register
We look forward to serving the continuing education needs of the egg industry. If you have any questions, please contact