Sources & Further Reading
Bello, A., Idrus, Z., Yong Meng, G., Awad, E.A. and Soleimani Farjam, A., 2018. Gut microbiota and transportation stress response affected by tryptophan supplementation in broiler chickens. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 17(1): 107-113.
Blair, R., Newberry, R.C. and Gardiner, E.E., 1993. Effects of lighting pattern and dietary tryptophan supplementation on growth and mortality in broilers. Poultry science, 72(3): 495-502.
Corzo, A., Kidd, M.T., Thaxton, J.P. and Kerr, B.J., 2005. Dietary tryptophan effects on growth and stress responses of male broiler chicks. British Poultry Science, 46(4): 478-484.
Herichova, I., Zeman, M. and Veselovský, J., 1998. Effect of Tryptophan Administration of Melatonin Concentrations in the Pineal Gland, Plasma and Gastrointestinal Tract of Chickens. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 67(2): 89-95.
Jerine A.J. van der Eijk, Aart Lammers, Joergen B. Kjaer, T. Bas Rodenburg., 2019. Stress response, peripheral serotonin and natural antibodies in feather pecking genotypes and phenotypes and their relation with coping style. Physiology & Behavior. 199: 1-10.
Kerr, B.J., Moran Jr, E.T. and Kidd, M.T., 2005. Effect of supplementary tryptophan prior to marketing on carcass quality in broilers. Journal of applied poultry research, 14(2): 306-314.
Linh, N.T., Guntoro, B. and Qui, N.H., 2021. Immunomodulatory, behavioral, and nutritional response of tryptophan application on poultry. Veterinary World, 14(8): 2244.
Masters, A., Pandi-Perumal, S.R., Seixas, A., Girardin, J.L. and McFarlane, S.I., 2014. Melatonin, the hormone of darkness: from sleep promotion to ebola treatment. Brain disorders & therapy, 4(1).
Mund, M.D., Riaz, M., Mirza, M.A., Rahman, Z.U., Mahmood, T., Ahmad, F. and Ammar, A., 2020. Effect of dietary tryptophan supplementation on growth performance, immune response and anti‐oxidant status of broiler chickens from 7 to 21 days. Veterinary Medicine and Science, 6(1): 48-53.
Newberry, R.C. and Blair, R., 1993. Behavioral responses of broiler chickens to handling: effects of dietary tryptophan and two lighting regimens. Poultry Science, 72(7): 1237-1244.
Sharideh, H. and Zaghari, M., 2021. Effect of dietary L-tryptophan supplementation and light-emitting diodes on growth and immune response of broilers. In Veterinary Research Forum, 12(1): 63
Jerine A.J. van der Eijk, Aart Lammers, Joergen B. Kjaer, T. Bas Rodenburg,, 2019. Stress response, peripheral serotonin and natural antibodies in feather pecking genotypes and phenotypes and their relation with coping style, Physiology & Behavior, 199: 1-10.
Yue, Y., Guo, Y. and Yang, Y., 2017. Effects of dietary l-tryptophan supplementation on intestinal response to chronic unpredictable stress in broilers. Amino Acids, 49: 1227-1236.
Wickramasuriya SS, Park I, Lee K, Lee Y, Kim WH, Nam H, Lillehoj HS., 2022. Role of Physiology, Immunity, Microbiota, and Infectious Diseases in the Gut Health of Poultry. Vaccines. 2022. 10(2): 172.