Explore all the information onSwine manure treatment
Swine manure (SM) is a plentiful and readily available farm waste that is commonly managed using traditional disposal methods, including agricultural application, lagoon storage, anaerobic digestion or direct incineration.
If mishandled, however, swine manure can contaminate surface and ground waters. Proper storage, handling and application of manure from pork production operations can protect water resources and increase profits for animal and crop enterprises.
Pork producers select a manure handling system based on factors such as location, the size, type and use of their cropland, the number of animals, and the type of animal housing. Many options relate to the type of housing system - pasture, dry lot, and enclosed.
With all systems, divert rain and snowmelt runoff away from the manure handling system. Install gutters to direct roof runoff to a ditch or other diversion. Keep uncontaminated surface water away from lots, settling facilities, infiltration channels, outdoor storages, and animal traffic lanes. Channel contaminated lot runoff to adequate treatment, storage, and application systems.