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ESG issues will be debated at IPVS2022 Agribusiness panel

Published: May 19, 2022
Source : http://www.ipvs2022.com/
Issues involving the environment, social and corporate governance in swine production will be highlighted at the event
With the theme "Pork production from an Agribusiness perspective", the sixth session of the IPVS2022 Pre-Congress, which takes place on June 21st  at the RioCentro, Rio de Janeiro (RJ), will address issues involving environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG), as a link between science and the demands of the global pork market.
Based on the need for intercommunication between academic issues, very well developed in the field of scientific production, and what is in context in the sector, the event's organization brings this agenda to the lecture schedule in a pioneering way, forming a session that will be conducted by renowned professionals in the sector.
According to the Director of Institutional Relations of the IPVS2022, Executive Director of Agricultural and Sustainability of JBS/Seara and President of Sindicarne, José Antônio Ribas, there are current issues that directly involved with the productive chains, which are not connected to technical-scientific issues, but professionals of the swine production chain need to be aware of. "The panel may broaden the vision of the congress participants due to the issues that will be addressed and the experience of the speakers, always associating them with ESG issues," he says.
According to Ribas, the theme chosen to host the panel's discussions brings an unprecedented sectorial approach within IPVS2022. "The debates that will take place go from the field to the industry, bringing a look focused on sustainable production, dealing with the environment in production, which will be presented by Paulo Armando Oliveira from EMBRAPA, welfare, conducted by Antônio Velarde from IRTA (Spain) and governance, by Neivor Canton from Sindicarne/SC," he says.
The event will also deal with  management of the swine business, discussing family succession, presented by Cleiton Pamplona Peters, leadership and protagonist of women, by Joanita Karolesky from JBS, and also Ricardo Santin from the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA) with the topic "Opportunities of production in different countries to meet the global demand".
According to the Director of Institutional Relations, the session will bring great contribution to the IPVS2022 participants. "To complete, glimpsing opportunities, the session will bring a look at what happens in different countries and their best practices, as well as the understanding of the behavior of the most different markets, through the lecture of Gilberto Tomazoni from Seara (Brazil), who will close the session with the "Current consumers’ demands".
The market
The importance of this discussion, according to Ribas, is focused on the association between professionals and market in two aspects:  the final product receiver and the production chain. "The manager of the activity is not a small producer in the field or a small industry. The chains are globalized, and the activity is increasingly linked to professionalization and marketing knowledge to satisfy, in all aspects, the consumer", adds the Institutional Relations Director.
He also emphasized that the most qualified professional is the one who has the capacity to find the best solutions, which necessarily go through a global vision of the system. "The IPVS congresses are the main world event focused on swine production, which makes it fundamental to address practical issues associated with technical-scientific ones," he says. "Knowing both sides is what brings us the confidence of having a full balance in the swine production chain. It is also important to reinforce to the world that Brazil has a competent, responsible and high-quality swine production”, Ribas concludes.
According to the President of IPVS2022, Fernanda Almeida, the event is aware of the needs that the global swine sector presents and seeks to bring innovation. As so, it is l  focused on the participants preparation offering knowledge in a global manner. "We inserted the 'Agribusiness' panel in our program because we understand that we need to prepare ourselves in a holistic way, that is, associate theory and practice, to increase productivity ", she declares.
Joining forces with IPVS2022
The IPVS2022 has the support of the main Brazilian swine production entities, such as: Brazilian Pig Veterinary Society (Abraves), Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - Embrapa Swine and Poultry, Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA), Brazilian Association of Pig Breeders (ABCS), Brazilian Association of Genetic Swine Companies (ABEGS), Sindicarne-SC and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA).
The IPVS2022 is sponsored by the following companies: Boehringer-Ingelheim, Farmabase, HIpra, MSD, Zoetis, Ceva, Elanco, Agroceres PIC, Biofarma, Idexx, Ourofino, Pharmacosmos, Sanphar, Trouw Nutrition, Vetanco, Virbac, Crystal Spring, Magapor, Microvet, Phytobiotics, Thermo Fisher, Tonisity, VetScience and Vetoquinol. Moreover, Adisseo, Boehringer-Ingelheim and ICC are sponsoring the IPVS2022 Pre-Congress.
The event also has media support from 333 Brasil, 333 Internacional, Academia Suína, Ediciones Pecuarias/Acontecer Porcino, Engormix, Feed & Food, Maiz Y Soya, MAP, O Presente Rural, Pig Progress, Piscishow e Avisuleite, Suino Brasil, Suino.com, Suinocultura Industrial, SuiSite, Veterinária Digital e Globo Rural.
IPVS2022 - International Pig Veterinary Society Congress
June 21st to 24th, 2022
Rio de Janeiro / Riocentro Convention & Event Center
Contact info: www.ipvs2022.com
ESG issues will be debated at IPVS2022 Agribusiness panel - Image 1
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Mentioned in this news release:
Fernanda Radicchi Campos Lobato de Almeida
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG
Camila Santos
Gessulli Agrimídia
José Antônio Ribas Junior
Paulo Armando V. de Oliveira
Antonio Velarde
Ricardo Santin
Associação Brasileira de Proteína Animal (ABPA)
Associação Brasileira de Proteína Animal (ABPA)
Cleiton P. Peters
Pamplona Alimentos
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