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IPVS2022 calls for graduate and undergraduate students to participate in the event

Published: March 10, 2022
Source : http://www.ipvs2022.com/
Students will receive financial support to participate as support staff
If you are a Veterinary, Animal Science or Biology student and is interested to be up to date with the latest innovations in the swine industry, this is your chance. Starting this month, the organization of the IPVS2022 Congress, the most important scientific event in swine production worldwide, which takes place from June 21st to 24th at Riocentro Convention Center in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, begins its traditional selection of students who will participate by providing support to speakers and in the congress organization.
To be part of the team, students must apply and go through an interview that will evaluate their English language proficiency. "We will recruit students from the Veterinary, Animal Science or Biology courses, and we will provide a daily financial support ", says IPVS2022 President Fernanda Almeida.
According to the president, participating in IPVS2022 is one of the best ways to get to know in loco everything that moves the global swine chain. "The students will have a unique opportunity to get together with the most important representatives of the global swine industry and get to know the main novelties of the sector that will be presented by the exhibiting companies, as well as in the lectures and scientific papers exhibited", she says.
To participate in the selection, those interested should send an e-mail, with their CV to: ipvs2022@ipvs2022.com. After analyzing the material, the students will be informed about the interview date, which will be done online.
All the information about the schedule of lectures and the IPVS2022 agenda is available on the event's website: https://ipvs2022.com.
Joining Forces with IPVS2022
IPVS2022 relies on the support of Brazil´s main organizations in the national pig industry: the Brazilian Association of Pig Veterinarians (Abraves), the Pig and Poultry Division of the Brazilian Agriculture and Livestock Research Institute (Embrapa), the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA), the Brazilian Association of Pig Farmers (ABCS), and the Brazilian Association of Swine Genetics Companies (ABEGS), Sindicarne-SC , and the Brazilian Department of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply (MAPA).
IPVS2022 has partnered with Boehringer-Ingelheim, Farmabase, Hipra, MSD, and Zoetis. In the Supporter category, Ceva and Elanco. Agroceres PIC, Biofarma, Idexx, Ourofino, Pharmacosmos, Sanphar, Trouw Nutrition, Vetanco, and Virbac are our Platinum sponsors, and Crystal Spring, Magapor, Microvet, Phytobiotics, Thermo Fisher, Tonisity, VetScience, and Vetoquinol are our Gold sponsors. The Pre-congress also relies on the support of Adisseo.
IPVS2022 also relies on the support of the following media outlets: 333 Brasil, 333 International, Academia Suína, Ediciones Pecuarias/Acontecer Porcino, Engormix, Feed&Food, MaizYSoya, MAP. O Presente Rural, Pig Progress, Piscishow and Avisuleite, Suíno Brasil. Suino.com, Suinocultura Industrial, SuiSite, and Veterinária Digital.
IPVS2022 - International Pig Veterinary Society Congress
June 21st to 24th, 2022
Rio de Janeiro / Riocentro Convention & Event Center
IPVS2022 calls for graduate and undergraduate students - Image 1
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Mentioned in this news release:
Fernanda Radicchi Campos Lobato de Almeida
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG
Camila Santos
Gessulli Agrimídia
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