UK - Science Into Practice: Swine conference focus for JSR
Published:September 5, 2007
Source :JSR Genetics
'Putting Science into Practice' is the topic for JSR Genetic's 18th Technical Conference to be held at the University of Nottingham on 18th September.
Hosted by JSR Chairman Tim Rymer, at the Sutton Bonnington Campus, the event will bring together many of the industry's most innovative thinkers.
• Professor Chris Pollock of the University of Wales will be investigating how agriculture can deliver within the context of England's 'green and pleasant land' • Torben Kristensen, Director of Waratah Farms, will provide an overview of pig genetics in New Zealand • Graham Plastow, of Genesis Faraday, will investigate how science and technology can 'bring home the bacon' .
JSR's Director of Research & Genetics, Dr Grant Walling, will introduce the audience to scientific research at JSR with reference to notable successes - and failures - and what can be learnt from each.
"This conference provides an ideal opportunity to exchange information with some of the industry's keenest minds. Sharing our ideas in this way is vital to the future of the pork industry," he says.
Conference Agenda
The conference will focus on the development of successful partnerships within the supply chain and advances in Research and Development to meet market demands.
The agenda for the conference is as follows:
09.45 Registration and coffee
10.20 Welcome and Introduction to the Morning Session Tim Rymer, Chairman, JSR Genetics Ltd
10.35 Delivering 21st Century Agriculture in England’s Green and Pleasant Land Professor Chris Pollock, Institute of Rural Sciences, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
11.10 Is Science & Technology Bringing Home the Bacon? Graham Plastow, Chairman Genesis Faraday, Director Alberta Bovine Genomics Program
11.45 Delivering Results from JSR Science Dr Grant Walling, Director of Research & Genetics, JSR Genetics Ltd
12.20 Discussion
12.45 Lunch
14.20 Introduction to the Afternoon Session Dr Grant Walling, Director of Research & Genetics, JSR Genetics Ltd
14.25 Pig Genetics in the Antipodes Torben Kristensen, Director of Waratah Farms, New Zealand
15.00 Educating the Industry Leaders of Tomorrow Professor Wynne Jones, Principal, Harper Adams University