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DDGS in swine diets

Distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) is produced from the fuel ethanol industry and is available for inclusion in diets fed to swine. Crude nutrient concentrations, energy and nutrient digestibility values, and effects of including DDGS in diets fed to different categories of swine have been investigated. The concentration of energy in DDGS is greater than in corn, but because of a lower digestibility of energy in DDGS than in corn, there is no difference in the concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy between DDGS and corn. The apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in DDGS does vary among sources but, with the exception of lysine, the variability is no greater than what has been reported for other feed ingredients. The digestibility of phosphorus in DDGS is approximately 59%. This value is greater than in corn. Therefore, if DDGS is included in the diet, less inorganic phosphorus is needed and less phosphorus will be excreted in the manure. Diets formulated to contain DDGS should be formulated on the basis of digestible amino acids and digestible phosphorus. In general, 10% DDGS can replace approximately 4.25% soybean meal and 5.70% corn, if 0.10% crystalline lysine is included in the diet. DDGS can be included in diets fed to nursery pigs, growing finishing pigs, and sows in amounts of 20% and in diets for gestating sows at 40%. At these inclusion rates, excellent performance of pigs has been reported provided that diets were formulated on the basis of digestible amino acids. Greater inclusion rates are possible, but may not always maximize pig performance.
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Luke Adam
Luke Adam
United States
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