Objective: To determine the importance of the formulation of “ideal protein” diets for starting-growing pigs.
Design/methodology/approach: A bibliographic review of the concept of ideal protein and low-protein in pig diets was carried out to determine their practical application in commercial production.
Results: Low-protein diets in pig production are an environmentally friendly strategy. The 3 percentage units of reduction in CP is the maximum level, when only crystalline lysine, methionine, threonine, and tryptophan are available. However, when there is a greater number of synthetic amino acids, the reduction in CP can range from 4 to 5 percentage units.
Study limitations/implications: Market conditions allow the incorporation of lysine, methionine, threonine, and tryptophan into the diet. Potentially, owing to its availability and price, valine could be considered as part of commercial diets in a short time. However, the inclusion of other AA is not currently viable, as a result of their low availability and high market price.
Findings/conclusions: Low-protein diets should be used in pig production, since they maintain or improve the productive variables and reduce the environmental impact, as a result of the reduction of nitrogen excretion to the environment.
Keywords: synthetic amino acids, low-protein diets, environment.
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