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Mycotoxins in dairy cattle

Welcome to the page about Mycotoxins in dairy cattle of Engormix; a source of knowledge on Mycotoxins in dairy cattle.
Introduction: evaluating the human risks of mycotoxin contamination Mycotoxins occur worldwide. They occur frequently in a variety of feedstuffs (Gareis et al., 1989; Sharma and Salunkhe, 1991; Wood, 1992) and are therefore routinely consumed by dairy cattle. These typically low levels of mycotoxins are associated with subclinical losses in milk production, increases in disease and reduced reproductive performance. In some cases, mycotoxin concentrations in feedstuffs are high...
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Introduction Mycotoxins are a diverse group of molecules that are harmful to animals and humans. They are produced as secondary metabolites by moulds or fungi growing under propitious conditions in the field, during transport and during storage of feeds. They can be found all along the food chain. Toxins in contaminated feeds are ingested by animals and can then be carried over to milk or edible animal tissues. Animals must not be considered as a simple ‘filter’ for mycotoxin...
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