Charm Sciences Released First Lateral Flow Quantitative Test For T-2 and Ht-2 Toxins
Published:December 2, 2008
Source :Charm Sciences Inc.
Charm Sciences, Inc. has released the first lateral flow quantitative test for T-2 and HT-2 toxins.
For use in the grain industry, the new ROSA® (Rapid One Step Assay) follows the same format that other Charm Mycotoxin tests use, as follows: Add the sample extract to the ROSA T2-HT2 test trip, incubate and count in the ROSA-M reader. Results are available in two ranges: 0-250 ppb, and 0 -2.5 ppm.
The Charm ROSA T2-HT2 provides a long-sought tool to rapidly and accurately detect T-2 and HT-2 toxins that adversely affect animal and human health. T-2 and HT-2 are trichothecene toxins generated by several Fusarium species (e.g., F. sporothrichioldes) in corn, wheat, barley, rye and oats. These toxins are known to cause feed refusal, edema, vomiting, immunosupression and gastrointestinal inflammation in animals, and alimentary toxic aleukia in humans.
In addition to the ROSA T2-HT2 test, the following ROSA mycotoxin tests are available.
3 minute quantitative test for aflatoxin in corn
3 minute qualitative test for DON in wheat and barley
10 minute quantitative tests for aflatoxin, DON, fumonisin, ochratoxin and zearalenone in multiple commodities.
About Charm Sciences, Inc.
Charm Sciences is the world leader in food and feed safety diagnostic tests. Charm Science continues its 30 year history of providing unique food safety solutions to maximize brand protection, quality and value to the manufacturer and the consumer. Introduced in 1999, Charm's ROSA lateral flow tests are the leading residue diagnostic tests employed by the food industry worldwide.