Introduction With the growth in bulk and container sea freight in the second half of last century, the modern food and feed distribution system became a global entity. This had significant positive implications on consumer choice and availability, but also had negative consequences for food borne toxins which manifested themselves during the extended phase of transportation and storage as well...
Do anyone have any data regarding in what qualities the Manna Oligo saccharides and B Glucans in the diets needed for the best action against mycotoxin?
Is there any specific Mycotoxin binder which takes care of the Zearalenone which is a big problems especially in the sows all over the world
Hi, I think you will find that most good inactivated yeast contain around 25% MOS and 16% beta-glucan complexes, and that good yeast extracts will bind ZEA around the 50% mark. ZEA in Aust is an issue, and even in SA, there is a regular occurrence of ZEA in straw used in the deep litter system.
Most good mycotoxin binders do bind ZEA invitro to around the 40-50% level, and the products available in Australia include Fusion OS, Mycofix and Mycosorb which are effective against ZEA. As for quantities of Fusion to use, in sow diets 1-2kg/t and grower finisher 1kg/t are sufficient. You can contact me personally for specific information regarding mode of action etc. Cheers Damian
Thank you for all informmations
In poultry breeders and layers what is the best biological binders (trad name) compony name and price for tone
Allso please sire give me informationes about liquides antitoxines in local and world (best and price)