International Mycotoxin Conference 2014. Abstract Submission
Published:January 27, 2014
Source :ISM
Abstract Submission
Authors are requested to follow exactly the instructions below for the preparation of their abstract. Instructions can be read below.
Each contribution must comprise a maximum of 3000 characters, and no more than one page.
The abstract must include only text, arranged in one single paragraph. The abstract should include a title, author names and address with affiliation. The abstract body should contain a rational, a brief description of the methods used, results and conclusions (no tables, figures or references). Key words are not needed.
Page size and margins: A4, 20 mm each side.
Title: Centered, capital and bold, style Arial, font 14.
Authors: Centered, Arial 14, surname and initial of the name; comma between authors; use numbers if authors belong to different institutions, underline the presenting author.
Institutions: Centered, Arial 12, full name of the Institution, one line for each institution, no address or zip code.
E-mail address of the presenting author: Centered, Arial 12, italic.
Abstract text: Arial 12, aligned both sides, maximum 3000 characters, no figures, no references.
Save the file as Word document, entitled as the first author's surname.
Upload the abstract through the conference website through the registration link, no later than 15 Feb 2014.
All contributions must be in English and S.I. units must be used.
For any other question about your abstract you can contact Dr. Yueju Zhao by e-mail at
Your abstract will be reviewed by the session organizers. Any contribution received after this date will not be published in the Book of Abstracts and the respective paper will not be accepted for presentation at the Conference.
Please note:
Abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstract and the presenting author will be included in the oral/poster program only if at least one of the authors has completed payment of the registration fee.
A maximum of two abstracts by each participant will be accepted.
Abstracts of good quality will be chosen to be published at a special issue by the session organizers.
Abstracts of poor quality (scientific content and/or English) can be rejected. Failure in meeting the above-mentioned deadlines can also result in rejection of the abstract.
Abstracts approved by the session organizers will be included in the Book of Abstracts that will be made available at the venue to all registered delegates. After the Conference, abstracts will also be uploaded in the conference website.
The standard size for the poster is 70 cm wide × 100 cm length.
Topic for Abstracts
Pre-harvest mycotoxin control
Post-harvest mycotoxin control
Molecular pathways on mycotoxin production
Toxicology & impact of mycotoxins in humans & animals