Participation in Forum on November 22, 2021
Why should barley be considered for poultry feeding when it has superior feeding value for human beings? It tends to lower blood cholesterol and keeps away colon cancer. It has been reported to save you from coronary heart diseases. Good source of fibre for human gut. It should be considered for superior food products rather than feeding to poultry birds.
Participation in Forum on January 22, 2013
This is an interesting information. Significance increase in weight during early growing phase is impressive. What is marl like? What is the source of Marl? Is it more like sodium bentonite? What are possible factors that led to this increase in weight? Please comment.
This member had joined Engormix
June 17, 2012
equalizer Statistics: Forums(2)
Location:Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Animal Nutritionist