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Participation in Forum on December 1, 2021
The liver looks just like the livers we see in turkeys that have Histomoniasis or blackhead caused by Histomonas meleagridis. The "target " liver lesions representing areas of necrosis are classic. Now, chickens can be infected with histomonas but they do not show clinical signs or have post-mortem lesions, but there is always a first. I would suggest sending in bacterial aerobic and anaerobic cul ...
This member gave a presentation on July 30, 2021
At the following event:
2021 AAAP Virtual Annual Meeting
This member had joined Engormix
April 18, 2012
equalizer Statistics: Forums(1)
Location:Banjul, Gambia
Profile: Academic / scientific
Participations in events:
Followers (2)