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#Poultry gut health
He attended the event:
10/17/2023 - United States
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Article published the July 13, 2021
The identification of mild to moderate gizzard erosions (GE) in more than 20- 30% of the healthy commercial broilers examined in post mortem sessions, is commonly found in several countries in the Americas and Asia.The gizzard, also called muscular stomach, is composed of a koilin (keratenoid) layer and an underlying mucosa. GE is characterised by damage in the form of erosions that can become ulc ...
remove_red_eye 1604
forum 7
Article published the October 16, 2020
Anatomically, the main structural unit that conforms the liver are microscopic cells called hepatocytes. When he­patocytes are loaded with fat or pigments, as a consequence of some of the elements that we are going to describe in this article, some changes in color will be observed. The main factors involved with coloration changes in young and adult commercial birds are the following: physiol ...
remove_red_eye 410
forum 0
Participation in Forum on May 22, 2020
By comparing the group where Afla and the mycotoxin binder was used with the treatments where only Afla was added and the negative control (no Afla, no mycotoxin binder), you can see the effect of the binder tested on the immune response.
Participation in Forum on May 22, 2020
Hello, sorry for the delay in answering. I'm including a summary of the paper, so you'll see what parameters were measured. Regards, World Veterinary Poultry Association Convention (WVPAC), September 16, 20, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand Cellular immune response after vaccination with SG 9R in birds fed Aflatoxin and a mycotoxin absorbent in the diet. 1 A. Martins, 1 T. Furian, 1 V. do Nasci ...
Article published the October 1, 2019
Keywords: SG 9R, Aflatoxin, Salmonella, Adsorbent, MycotoxinsINTRODUCTIONMost developed countries around the world have eradicated Salmonella Gallinarum (S.G.) and S. Pullorum (S.P.) from commercial flocks, and now concentrate mainly in the prevention of infections caused by the paratyphoid group. However, a high percentage of the commercial layer’s world population is still affected by S.G. ...
remove_red_eye 245
forum 0
This member gave a presentation on October 24, 2018
At the following event:
Latin American Poultry & Nutrition Congress 2018
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Participation in Forum on November 14, 2017
Very interesting. Thank you for your feedback.
equalizer Statistics: Articles(4)Forums(5)
Location:Coral Gables, Florida, Estados Unidos de América
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
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