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Muamber Shah
Participation in Forum on October 19, 2011
The author of the article has explained about salmonella and its serotye which causes health hazards both to human and animals. As we know that the infection of salmonella occurs in clinical as well as in sub clinical .The sub clinical type is more serious because the shedding of organism occurs constanty without any sign and symptoms showing in the host animals, so the risk of the infection is hi ...
Participation in Forum on October 8, 2011
This article is very infomative about losess in production and reproduction due to NFB. This topic has been taught  by Prof.Dr. M.Subhan Qureshi and he also advised us to see the article in Engormix. Thanks to the author for such informative article and for sharing these topics for our information.
Participation in Forum on October 6, 2011
Today D.M.Subhan Qureshi teach us about the HS and then we read the article about  heat stress in dairy cow. It was very informative article about heat stress and we learn more from it.
Participation in Forum on October 6, 2011
yesterday our lecture was about the heat stress in dairy cow thought by Dr M Qureshi sb was very effective and we learn more about the heat stres . We learn that stres may be due to decrease DMI and it leads to decrease the production upto 35%. Heat stess may also lead to abortion is very much attractive for me.
This member had joined Engormix
October 5, 2011
equalizer Statistics: Forums(4)
Location:Peshawar, North-West Frontier, Pakistan
Profile: Student
Occupation: Msc (hon)