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Article published the October 25, 2012
Introduction During the past few years, there has been growing concern expressed by the public over the continued use of individual stalls in gestation or pregnant sow housing systems. In the United States, this has resulted in legislation by a number of states to ban individual stalls or pressure from retailers like McDonalds and Safeway (grocery food chain) to not purchase pork raised in facili ...
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Article published the October 19, 2012
Introduction Growing pigs produce tremendous amounts of heat (Brown-Brandl, et al. 2004) and when raised in confinement facilities this heat must be removed by the barn's environmental control system (Brumm, 2012). Standard barn ventilation systems that use ambient or outside air to remove this heat has only limited capacity to control rising barn temperaturesduring warm and hot weather. For this ...
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Video published on September 21, 2012
Dr. Larry D. Jacobson, Professor and Extension Engineer at the University of Minnesota, speaks about the importance of temperature control in tropical pig farms and about different paths of cooling pigs.
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May 12, 2011
equalizer Statistics: Articles(2)Videos(1)
Location:Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Agricultural Engineer
Followers (11)