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COCCIDIOSIS TREATMENT •Amproleum is the most common treatment for Coccidia. Amproleum 25% is available. Add 0.6gms to 1.0gms per liter of water. •3 to 5 days treatment is enough •Sulpha Quinoxaline is effective. •When coccidiocidal drugs are given for prevention, they should be withdrawn by 16 weeks. PREVENTION •The spores of coccidia remain in litter for long time ie even when birds are not th ...
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Diagnosing poultry diseases can be an art. With closed housing systems with strict biosecurity protocols, the visit of the owner and a vet became need-based. Spotting a problem is based on the data collected. On the contrary, the poultry house attendant spends more time with the birds. A dedicated attendant can spot the disease much earlier than the owner or the vet. Many poultry diseases/problems ...
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Jose J. Bruzual Really not necessary. but there is always first time?. what if you get in to disease is costlier than vaccine. if your farm is vulnerable like your neighbourer is suffering or you have the problem in other units of your farm?
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drkotaiah indbroThank you for your comment, prevention they say is better than cure, so I expect that you should adopt the probiotic approach to sustain intestinal health if your stock, Strengthening their humoral and innate immune responsesWhen you adopt this prophylactic approach you will the pathogens resistance level of your flock and reduce their vulnerabilities to heavy bacteria infections.T ...
Participation in Forum on December 29, 2017
612 Metric tons of chicken from 29 million broilers???
Participation in Forum on July 26, 2011
Broiler breeders are 26-29 weeks of age: Flock is at the initial stage of production. Usually the cocks are not fully matured, hence the low fertility problem. Increase the Vit.E levels in the ration. Remove the inferior cocks from the flock.
This member had joined Engormix
April 8, 2011
equalizer Statistics: Forums(2)
Location:Awe, Oyo, Nigeria
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
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