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This member gave a presentation on June 27, 2013
At the following event:
Iowa Swine Day
Article published the June 7, 2013
IntroductionTransportation is a necessary part of modern U.S.A. pig production. Over 100 million U.S.A. pigs are transported 2 or 3 times from birth to market (USDA, 2005). Pigs are most often transported at weaning from a farrowing barn to a nursery or wean to finish barn. Those taken to a nursery are transported to a finishing site (5 to 9 weeks later). Finally pigs are transported from the fini ...
remove_red_eye 736
forum 0
Article published the July 30, 2012
Introduction It has been reported that during routine vaccinations, h pigs can display a "buzz" response. A buzz response can be defined as the 6-h period immediately following vaccination, where pigs display marked lethargy. To report this alteration in a pigs' behavior, the authors used a "willingness to approach" (WTA) methodology. The paper reported statistical differences between pre- and pos ...
remove_red_eye 522
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Article published the July 17, 2012
Introduction In recent years, several production systems in the United States have gone from housing grow-finish pigs in small pens of <30 pigs to much large pens of >100 pigs per pen. Recent industry accounts, however, suggest that these large pen configurations may have negative aspects on growth performance of the pigs and morbidity / mortality. In addition, little is known about how thes ...
remove_red_eye 642
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Article published the July 17, 2012
Summary and ImplicationsThe objective of this experiment was to determine the behaviors and postures of nursery aged pigs when classified as "not approaching" a human observer when using a digital image. A total of 1,817, ~6 wk old mixed sexed nursery pigs were used. Pigs were housed in commercial nursery pens. The approachability of pigs followed procedures used by Fangman et al., (2010). Pigs we ...
remove_red_eye 333
forum 0
Article published the July 9, 2012
Summary and Implications The objective of this experiment was to compare two approachability definitions of nursery pigs to a human observer in their home pen using a digital image. A total of 79 pens in two rooms (40 in room 1 and 39 in room 2) were used. A total of 1,817, ~6 wk old mixed sexed nursery pigs, weighing ~25.4 kg were used. Two definitions for pigs reacting to a human in their home p ...
remove_red_eye 452
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This member had joined Engormix
April 1, 2011
equalizer Statistics: Articles(5)
Location:United States
Profile: Academic / scientific
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