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Participation in Forum on June 21, 2021
afriadi sikumbang And how do you harvest algae from the the ocean?
Participation in Forum on September 23, 2020
You start from a really bad formulated control feed. You do everything possible to have low growth, like removing faeces, molts, and starving the shrimp every day for 16 hours. You achieve 150 % growth in 150 days ? Starting from 4,5 gram, it means your shrimp were 11 gram 5 months later ? I really don't see the point of publishing such results. It is so far away from any results in the shrimp fa ...
Participation in Forum on May 17, 2018
There is really no point to add just minerals in feed, and it is a complete waste of money to coat the minerals on the feed. Most of the minerals will leach out of the feed and solve in water. The whole point of my research is to add a specific mix of minerals which do not solve so quicly so shrimp can benefit from it. Best regards, Eric
This member gave a presentation on December 5, 2013
At the following event:
AQUAFEED AMERICAS-13th Practical Short Course Program
This member gave a presentation on December 5, 2013
At the following event:
AQUAFEED AMERICAS-13th Practical Short Course Program
This member gave a presentation on December 3, 2012
At the following event:
This member gave a presentation on December 3, 2012
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Article published the November 8, 2010
The white shrimpLitopenaeus vannameihas widely replacedPenaeus monodonas the cultured species. One of the reasons for this change is the fact that L. vannameican be cultured in higher densities and with a lower exchange of water, which increases the bio-security.L. vannamei is a euryhaline species and can be cultured in salinities from 0 to 50ppt, although the best growth is obtained in salinities ...
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This member had joined Engormix
November 2, 2010
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Location:Dilbeek, Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium
Profile: Businessman / entrepreneur / shareholders
Occupation: Director
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