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Discussion created on July 7, 2024
Resumen:Este estudio analiza los avances significativos en la eficiencia de las vacas lecheras desde 1944 hasta la actualidad. Las vacas modernas presentan una mayor eficiencia en el uso de la tierra, el consumo de alimento y las emisiones de carbono, gracias a los avances en la selección genética y la alimentación de precisión. Las vacas actuales requieren solo el 10% de la tierra y el 23% del al ...
Discussion created on July 7, 2024
Over the years, the efficiency of dairy cows has experienced significant advancements, particularly when comparing contemporary cows to those from 1944 (see attached graph). Modern dairy cows exhibit enhanced efficiency in land use, feed consumption, and carbon emissions, primarily due to breakthroughs in genetic selection and precision feeding, including the integration of rumen-protected amino a ...
Participation in Forum on June 10, 2012
Dr. Ramirez, congratulations for this post, I think the good way also that you can increase piglet immunity is first of all taking care of the gestation in the sow, very important, if's the sow eats too much feed in the gestation her wont eat much in lactation, if she has some health problems she wont divide the nutrients in balance by the all piglets, so that as a number 1. as a number 2., pigle ...
Participation in Forum on May 7, 2012
Dear Philp, do you still wonder on how to decrees the amount of Soy bean meal in your diet, and want a very good fresh diet, preforming and to being comfortable to produce for your hogs. we can help you in Ralco nutrition with that, we may have a distributor in your country that may can deliver and take care of you, please contact me and I can help you to put you on contact with the right person ...
Participation in Forum on September 3, 2010
Hi.. I would like the dosis of the orego stim, using in the drinking water?, using this product you would not need any more the anti oxidant, anti coccidian vaccine, and so the antibiotic as a grow promother?. Good article.
This member had joined Engormix
September 3, 2010
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Location:Fresno, California, United States
Profile: Businessman / entrepreneur / shareholders
Occupation: Animal Sience Engineer , Master in Animal Nutrition