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Participation in Forum on April 18, 2012
Dear Jaime You are absolutly right. Calcium Soaps of Fatty acids - By Pass Fat actualy shown lot of benefits to the dairy cows in term of over coming the Negative Energy Balance , Improving the Body Score Condition, Butter Fat and increae in milk quantity. The simple precaution one should take while feeding the Calcium Sopas of Fatty acids is to adopt the animal to the product mixed feed for ...
Participation in Forum on December 29, 2011
Dear Dr,George, Thank you for Informative article about Lick Block Technology. Lick feeding is based on concept of Nutritional wisdom of animals that is animal can consume nutrients as per its physiological requirement. I believe that Lick feeding most commonly used in free range and small ruminants. The technology is poorly reached in farmers due to some issues of palatabilty , hygroscopic, homo ...
Participation in Forum on December 13, 2011
Dear Dr. T.K mohanthy, Thanks for your informative things. really need to think about use of crude extract oxytocin in long term. It may cause some side effects of ST. Thanks and regards Dr.Thirumeignanam
Article published the November 9, 2010
AbstractKemin India has conducted a detailed survey to understand the mycotoxin prevalence pattern in poultry feed and feed raw materials from various regions in India. The study was carried out from Jan 2010 to July 2010 and comprised of 400 samples. The study revealed that, 393 out of 400 samples tested were contaminated with one or more mycotoxin i.e. 98% of sample collected was contaminated wi ...
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forum 6
Participation in Forum on September 7, 2010
Very well written article on Coccidiosis and my complimens to the authors Dr.V.Velan
He attended the event:
2/1/2010 - India
This member had joined Engormix
March 26, 2008
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Location:Tamil Nadu [Madras], India
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Occupation: Marketing