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Article published the February 28, 2023
IntroductionBlackhead disease, also known as Histomoniasis, is an important poultry disease caused by Histomona meleagridis, which is a protozoa that spreads in the bird by the roundworm Heterakis gallinarum, and infects the cecum and liver. Turkeys are highly susceptible to this disease. Although mortalities in turkey flocks reach 80-100% and economic losses exceed 2 million USD/year, there are l ...
remove_red_eye 251
forum 0
Video published on February 27, 2023
Sebastian Decap (Plantae Labs SpA) comments on this disease and the process of encapsulation for this additive so it can reach the ceca, in this interview during IPPE 2023 in Atlanta, USA.
Video published on November 23, 2022
Sebastián Decap (Plantae Labs) talks about Necrotic Enteritis and his research results on possible natural solutions involving Quillaja extract, during the Symposium on Gut Health in St. Louis, USA.
Video published on November 18, 2022
Sebastian Decap (Plantae Labs) comments on restrictions and alternatives to control Coccidiosis, during the Symposium on Gut Health in St. Louis, USA.
This member gave a presentation on November 9, 2022
At the following event:
Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals 2022
This member had joined Engormix
October 13, 2022
equalizer Statistics: Articles(2)Videos(3)
Location:Santiago, Chile
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Médico Veterinario MSc. / Director de Aplicaciones e Innovaciones de Tecnología Láctea
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Followers (11)