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Rami Skr
Participation in Forum on February 28, 2022
Rashid Mahmoodpeace I need some information about adding ozone, can you give me the data, thanks.
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Coronaviruses of animals periodically transmit to humans (1), as recently occurred with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2). SARS-CoV-2 was recognized in December 2019 in cases of atypical pneumonia in hospitalized patients in Wuhan, China. The virus is a novel betacoronavirus, related to the now-eradicated severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) from 2003, ...
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Dr. Fiodor S. Marchenkov Not exactly, Ozone is powerful, instant eraser of E.Coli, Gram+ve, -ve organisms and pesticide residues, also adds taste/flavour to water. One can ensure Sterile water all along with O3 usage, O3 can also be used to wash fruits, vegetables, grains, meat - to ensure 100% purity - safety.
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DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEMFarm animals need optimal environment for development and growth in order to reach their genetic capacity. Any weakness of the components of environment may decrease the performance. Consuming water is one of the main pillars of the obtained performance.Importance of consumed water by animals during the growing and fattening period is a reality in the whole livestock sector. ...
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Vasanth Rao Attanti we have systems available worldwide.
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We are in the business of Manufacturing Ozone generators and are very successfully implementing the Ozonation concept in Poultry drinking water. Due to increase of Oxygen in water we have seen substantial improvement in the health of the Birds What Ozone does 1. It eliminates(Oxidises) the bacteria present in water and gives the Birds Bacteria free water. 2. During the Ozonation process Ozone is ...
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Dear readers.Ozone treatment of water for Poultry is cost effective, easy and environment friendly, but the major draw back is that it does not have residual disinfection quality. On spot it will disinfect water very fast, but after that when water goes through pipes in sheds it is recontaminated again by bio-film and other factors. This can be tested very easily by taking samples at Ozone treatme ...
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Dear brother I have good experience with ozone treated water for both layer and Brioler and found it really cost effective and easy in use , have you also got some experience in it Because in under developed countries like ours the person managing the farm is not always very technical so adding something needs precise calculation that is difficult, If you need some information about ozone additio ...
Participation in Forum on December 14, 2021
G P Doctor, I am a master student and my research is about studying the effect of using ozone to sterilize broiler drinking water on productivity indicators and hematological and immune indicators. Can you send me some researches related to this field, please?
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Ozone is successfully being used for sanitising bird drinking water as well as maintaining biofilm free drinking lines in Australian company has been providing such systems for many years and the cost is not prohibitive when installed correctly.
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