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Dr. Alain Riggi, Global Poultry Manager at Phileo by Lesaffre, points out how to preserve gut epithelial integrity, optimize GIT immune function (humoral & cellular) and enhance intestinal microbiota richness and diversity.
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Northern fowl mites (Ornithonyssus sylviarum) are one of the more common ectoparasites (external parasites) that can be present in a flock. These mites live on their host throughout their life and feed on poultry blood. They are most commonly found around the vent, tail, and breast of the birds. Although these mites prefer poultry as a host, they will move onto humans and will bite if trapped (for ...
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Sickness behavior is an animal’s adaptive response to disease which aids in their recovery. When an animal is infected by a pathogen, an immune response involving immune cell and immune molecule activity is stimulated and sickness behavior results.Sick chickens are difficult to identify because they rarely show signs of illness before it becomes severe. As a prey species, chickens are stoic ...
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The liver is a key organ for the health and productivity of poultry and plays a significant part in the digestion, metabolism and utilization of nutrients.The liver is involved in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins; it is the main storage site for fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K), the water-soluble vitamin B12, glycogen, iron and copper; it is involved in the activation of vita ...
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Heavy broilers with high breast meat yield are more susceptible to heat stress. Under high relative humidity, indoor air velocity (AV) becomes critical to offer optimal environmental conditions for growth and health. Four experiments were conducted under southeastern summer conditions to evaluate the effects of AV treatments (High vs. Low) on live performance, cut-up yields, meat quality and welfa ...
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March 12, 2021
Location:Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Profile: Businessman / entrepreneur / shareholders
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