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taqihasnain likes the comment:
Dr. Yves, results of studies we conducted with layers, and those of some literature data, which were consistent with ours, showed that the relationship. met + cist.dig: lysine dig, which corresponded to 100: 100, provided the best performance results for birds. Based on these considerations, I found that in the ration used in your work the relationship between these amino acids was below that rela ...
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AbstractA study was performed to compare the effects of dietary supplementation of DL-Methionine (DL-Met) or Hydroxy-Methionine (OH-Met) at the requirement in sulfur amino acids on laying hen’s performance under tropical summer season. Four-hundred and forty-eight Babcock layers were randomly allocated based on their body weight in two treatments of 14 replicates each (16 hens per replicate) ...
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April 14, 2020
Location:Lahore, Punjab, Pakistán
Profile: Student
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