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Shanmugam Mayilraj likes the comment:
I agree, it is a very important topic. On point was not discussed enough I think: standardisation of the bioinformatics. While new developments are always happening overall, the 16s sequencing bioinformatics is now mostly established to use ASV or mOTUs based on the DADA2 pipeline. It might be useful to agree at least on a best practice and recommended tools for the bioinformatics as well. This wi ...
Shanmugam Mayilraj likes the video:
Mycotoxins are highly toxic secondary metabolic products of moulds. They lead to decreased productivity and profitability in livestock. At Adisseo, we have developed a comprehensive approach to the management of mycotoxins. Our MycoMan range of services allows the mycotoxin risk to be identified and optimal strategies to be developed thanks to the mycotoxin prediction tool, the harvest bulletin, q ...
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January 8, 2020
Location:Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Profile: Academic / scientific
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