peyman peravian likes the comment:
Undoubtedly we should have deep consideration on this item. If the cows are drying with 3.25-3.5, it's ok and we have to keep it and prevent any losses up to close up pen and eventually calving. Although some refrencess suggest 0.25 increase in BCS from dry off to close up especially for thin cows, keeping 3.25-3.5 in these period is excellent. According to the recent article published in dairy sc ...
Participation in Forum on November 11, 2019
According to unpredictable changes in climate, last summer we experienced numerous heat stress in dairy farm in middle east and noticeable adverse effect of this issues were in both dry and close up cows.
peyman peravian likes this technical article:
Summer losses in milk production are usually related to the negative impact of summer heat stress on the lactating cow. Actually, this is true, due to the large negative effect of heat stress on feed consumption and the efficiency of feed utilization of the lactating cow, as well as on reproductive traits. Recently, it was found that also dry cows, although they are not producing milk, are negativ ...
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July 19, 2018
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Location:Tehran, Tehran, Iran
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