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munna muzeeb
Participation in Forum on October 18, 2023
Participation in Forum on March 2, 2023
It is some of cases related to toxicity also fatty liver in Broilers ( High diet feed also may caused ) in feed ( ensures maintain emulsifiers & choline chloride , Toxin binder ) for treatment u can use for reducing mortality Nilotonex 200 ml/ 1000 birds 6 hours water 2-3 days kenotox plus 300 ml /1000 birds 6 hours water 2-3 days Thank you
Participation in Forum on July 25, 2022
In IBH Treatment my recommendation will be 1. low energy feed to reduce metabolism process or restrict feed and light as much as possible 2. if necessary prevent this use IBH killed vaccine at the age of 5th Day 3. Use a combination of Detoxifier /kidney flushers /powerful liver tonic like kenotox plus 300ml / 1000 birds /5 days at 6 hours drinking water 4. use VIT E and Selenium medication ...
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May 11, 2017
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Location:Bangalore, Karnataka, India
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