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Feroz Khan
Participation in Forum on December 5, 2024
Dear Sir This type of Filtering system needs to be handled properly by ensuring the chicks are not exposed to viruses from hatchery to the Farm,Hatchery team and Farm team are on same page,the vehicle's used are properly disinfected,the attendants of houses shouldn't go inside houses without proper washing and disinfection of their body and coveralls,they should be screened daily for flu viruses,t ...
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Why do we, for the most part, give our chicks 24 hours of light during brooding? Do chicks actually benefit from being able to eat and drink at 2 am? Though it is widely believed that 24 hours of light is essential to maximizing chick performance and health, preliminary trails have found no significant benefit in doing so.Numerous studies have shown that chicks, like all creatures, are essentially ...
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Highlights from the conversation with Johan Van Erum, Derek Detzler, Maria Elena Rubio and Horacio Gamero, who joined Elizabeth Santin for this roundtable, during the 1st PoultryUniverse Coccidiosis Congress in Curitiba, Brazil.
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A week long Online Hatchery Management Training will take place from September 16th to 22nd, 2020. It is organized by Vet Nepal in association with Nepal Hatchery Industries Association, and will feature 5 national and 12 international Hatchery Specialists as speakers.   Click here to enlarge the image      
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Knowing how much water an evaporative cooling system will use during hot weather can prove to be a very useful piece of information. For instance, to properly size well pumps, pressure tanks and water distribution pipes, designers must know the peak demand of pad systems on the farm because they can be responsible for 90% of the water usage on a hot summer afternoon. Furthermore, if a producer wan ...
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February 4, 2017
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Location:Riyadh, Ar Riyad, Saudi Arabia
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