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Dan Blasco
Dan Blasco likes the comment:
White coated breeds can be more sensitive to sunstroke. In example, sunstroke sensitivity is more frequent in white coated Saanen goats. Moreover, white coated Holstein, even Simmental cows are not preferred by breeders because of their higher sensitivity to environmental factors and lower performance.
Participation in Forum on August 4, 2017
Thank you, Cedden. It has also long been the belief of some dog breeders that heat stroke is more common among white dog breeds. This is antidotal, however, and breeding many white dogs myself I cannot attest to this. It is a fact that with some breeds of dogs dermatitis is definitely seen much more regularly among white specimens of the breed than colored. This may be linked to the white colo ...
Participation in Forum on August 3, 2017
At a glance this suggests, "breed more white cows," but I wonder - apart from white coats being preferable under heat stress conditions, what else is statistically linked to white coats that may not be so preferable. For instance is there a known statistical difference in undesirable skin conditions between black and white coats? I'm a dog breeder not a cow breeder so I do not know what is perha ...
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April 17, 2016
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Location:Divide, Colorado, United States
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: National Grand Champion Dog Breeder
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