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yusuf dambha
Participation in Forum on February 27, 2022
Thank u.. in severs colds.. do we close the windows...or leave them open and use heaters...?
Participation in Forum on April 15, 2021
Thank you so much
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I agree with Yusuf, I don't think there is a medication developed so far for Ascites treatment. Our previous study suggested that managing the concentration of oxygen in the brooding, rearing as well as laying houses through proper management practices such as adequate ventilation, litter management, temperature control, feeding of balanced diets, etc. will significantly reduce the incidence.
Participation in Forum on April 13, 2021
hi, many poultry farmers are now using hydrogen peroxide (5ml in 10litre water)as a treatment for water belly ....according to them it sees to work... please comment? thakns
Participation in Forum on April 6, 2021
What treatment can we give in that case?
Participation in Forum on April 2, 2021
Very interesting.. informative
Participation in Forum on February 13, 2019
Just want to know how often Lasota be given to broilers and layers. Thanks.
This member had joined Engormix
April 2, 2016
equalizer Statistics: Forums(6)
Location:Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa
Profile: Professional
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