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Víctor Manuel Elizalde Luna likes the news release:
The whole Pancosma Team is proud to celebrate the 10 years of Pancosma Mexico. It is the occasion to thank all the stakeholders who made it possilble, and especially the local Team who is very much dedicated, led by Manuel Soto, Director at Pancosma Mexico. Since the beginning in 2007, the local entity has countless accomplishments and achievements, as Pancosma Mexico is not only performing in Mex ...
Víctor Manuel Elizalde Luna likes this technical article:
Introduction:In cattle farming, pre-weaning is a critical phase. During the first months of their life, young calves are prone to numerous stresses and challenges. Risks are increased by the fact that their digestive system is not fully developed and  immune system is still immature.In conventional farming systems, two types of calves have to undergo this challenging period: Veal Ca ...
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IntroductionTo prevent the risk of developing pathogens resistant to antibiotics and also to satisfy consumer demand for a food chain free of drugs, the use of in-feed antibiotics in the European Union was banned in January 2006, and this policy is being considered in other parts of the world. Consequently, the poultry industry seeks an alternative for antibiotics as growth promoter ...
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The gastrointestinal tract is confronted with a cornucopia of diverse chemicals, pathogens and physicochemical states that it must analyze and react to appropriately to optimize nutrition and to defend against harm. It presents the largest and most vulnerable surface to the outside world. Integrated responses to these challenges require the gut to sense its environment. This it ...
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January 29, 2016
Location:Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
Profile: Businessman / entrepreneur / shareholders
Occupation: Sales Manager
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